Monday, April 28, 2008

New Partnerships?

As I write this blog entry I am in a hotel room in Wichita, Kansas. Jerry, Armentia and I are here on a "vision" trip to pursue possible partnerships in this area in planting new churches. This could be a great opportunity for many members of HDBC to participate in short-term projects that will make a difference in the Kingdom of God. A team to drive to the area in one day, work for several days, then drive home. The costs would be minimal and the results eternal.

Tonight we will attend banquet and meet the folks who are already working in this area. Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will tour the region. On Wednesday we travel home. We are praying for the Lord to give discernment and clear direction as we seek His will in this matter. I am looking forward to seeing how God may want Highland Drive to be involved in this part of His world. I'll let you know how it goes.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Count 'em

Last Sunday night I had the privilege of speaking at a banquet for Heber Springs Baptist Church. It was a kick-off banquet for a capital campaign designed to raise funds for a new building. Because our church recently completed a similar campaign, they wanted to me to share a testimony. It caused me to go back and review some things related to our own experience. That was truly a blessing. I needed to be reminded of some of the ways God has blessed us in the last few years.

I shared with the church in Heber Springs how God led us to enter a major building project at a time when we had experienced budget shortfalls for four consecutive years and when we had absolutely no money in the bank for a new building. From a financial standpoint, it was not a smart time to build. However, we do not base our decisions on finances but on our absolute trust in God.

Once again we discovered just how faithful God is. Here are just a few of the ways God blessed us throughout the process of expanding our facilities.

Our pledges to the building exceeded our Victory Goal by 24%.
At the end of 2007, 86% of the money pledged had been given.
Many people have met their pledges, but continue to give.
In 2006 and 2007 we exceeded our MAPs (budgets).
We have developed a children's playground and coffee shop.
We have added ministerial staff.
We paid cash for a new roof.
We have added landscaping.
We have purchased a new van.
In addition to all of these practical blessings, we have seen God add many individuals and families to our church.

I know this post went a little long . . . but it is hard to find a stopping point when recounting the blessings of God. What a joy it is to "count 'em" often.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Spiritual Darkness

As I write this entry I am in a hotel in the Little Rock area. I spent the day in a missions conference focusing on Central and Eastern Europe. It was an eye-opener. Though that part of the world has experienced liberation from communism, it remains in spiritual darkness. Though there are believers in each country, their numbers are very few. There are thousands of towns and villages with no real access to the truth about salvation.

We are anticipating a project in that part of the world later this year. I know the Lord has some great things in store for the team which He will assemble, as well as for the people with whom we will come into contact.

Congratulations to Jason and our youth ministry on a great silent auction. Though I was unable to be present, I have heard great reports. Thanks to the church for being so supportive of this important area in our church.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Look Out Branson

We have 28 ladies from our church traveling to Branson over the weekend to attend the "Women of Joy" conference. Not only will they experience great worship and Bible study, but the fellowship will be sweet. I am sure they will manage to squeeze in some shopping while in that vacation mecca of the south. I'm excited to see our women's ministries growing.

Our ladies Bible studies have been very successful and strategic. Lives are being changed because of them. I recently learned that a group of our younger ladies have begun a ministry to stay-at-home moms with the hope that it will not only minsiter to HDBC ladies, but also to many who are not already involved in a church. It is thrilling to see how God is leading so many of our members to begin and lead creative new ministries.

I am getting positive feed-back on our current sermons series, Friends. It will go through the month of April. On May 11, I will begin a new series, Mythbusters: Exploring the Parent Traps. Come join us for this series on parenting.
