Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quick Thoughts

It's been a tough week. Like many others, I hate being sick. I've been fighting a chest cold, congestion, laryngitis, cough and all the other things that go with it all week long. For someone who likes to talk (that would be me) it is difficult when your doctor says "the best thing you can do is rest your voice." Ouch. So, I have had to try to avoid being around people because it is impossible for me to avoid talking when in the company of other people. So, I'm playing the hermit this week.

Hoping and praying to be much better by the weekend. The big HDBC Harvest Festival is this Saturday. Then I will begin a new sermon series on Sunday. So, I truly appreciate your prayers.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Morning

For many people Monday mornings are difficult. They are coming off of the weekend and are forced into another work-week. Not so for me. It is true that Monday marks the beginning of a new week, but rather than this being a drudgery, it is a pleasure. After twenty-five years of serving as a pastor I still love coming to work everyday. I love the challenge of digging into God's word and finding just the right passage or topic to present on Sunday. I love the challenge of the unknown. I am a planner by nature, but in ministry there are many surprises. Each Monday offers a new opportunity to respond to the surprises in a way that will honor Christ. I love watching how God is working to change lives on a regular basis. One of the great thrills of my life is seeing people grow to maturity in Christ. So, on this Monday morning I am looking forward to seeing the signs of God's work not only in my life but in the lives of those around me.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


The past several days I have been reading through the last book of the Bible, Revelation. I've read it dozens of times over the years and taught it several times. However I am still thrilled as I read it again. The word revelation, speaks of an unveiling. That is what the book is all about. In this great book of the Bible God is pulling back the curtain and giving us a glimpse of the spirit world around us that cannot be seen with human eyes. This morning I read chapter 12, which speaks of a war in which the angel, Michael goes to war with Satan and banishes him from Heaven for all time. The chapter speaks of a great spiritual battle that results in a defeated Satan who then unleashes his fury on the earth. This will take place during a future time known as the Great Tribulation. Revelation is a clear declaration that God is still in charge and will accomplish His perfect will. It is a comforting reminder that believers in Jesus are on the winning side. Praise God! Regardless of how bad things seem to get I know how the story ends!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Great Day

It was a great day with the HDBC family. Not only did we have a wonderful time this morning in both worship celebrations and in small groups, but also enjoyed a delightful time at our church picnic. The weather was great and the fellowship was even better. I was so pleased to see so many people just hanging out together. There was a lot of "connecting" going on today. I was also pleased to see so many guests. Thanks Highland Drivers for taking seriously the practice of investing and inviting. Keep it up!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


In my last blog post I wrote about some pain that I was having and that I would be going to the doctor. So, with the slight possibility that someone read the blog and is curious about the outcome, here is a report. I did go to the doctor and was relieved to learn that there is no kidney stone. I have never had one but have heard all the horror stories of those who have. So, I was praying hard against that. Ultimately, the doctor was unable to determine the cause of the pain, and since it has not returned (at least to the same degree) we are in a "wait and see" mode. I can live with the mystery if the pain stays away.

Looks like a busy weekend. I have the privilege of conducting a wedding this weekend for a young lady whom I have known for seventeen years. I've watched her grow from childhood to adulthood and it is a joy to participate in this important event in her life. I wish God's richest blessings on Allison and Justin. The annual HDBC Fall Picnic is this Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. That is always a great time of fellowship and food. The weather looks great.

As always, I am looking forward to a great time on Sunday morning at HDBC.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Pain

Jan and I had a great time at the Celebrators Conference last week. Then on Saturday Shay and I traveled to Starkville to watch the Bulldogs lose another heartbreaker. They played well enough to win, but once more turned the ball over way too many times. The weather was great and the game was fun. Then Saturday night I began to have some severe pain in my lower back and abdominal area. First thought . . . kidney stone. Ouch. I made it through with some help from some prescription pain medicine. Felt fine Sunday morning and preached twice at HDBC. Then Sunday afternoon the attack returned. I took some more pain medicine and made it through the afternoon. The third wave hit around 10:00 p.m. Once more the pills and I were able to fight off the attack. I'm still not sure what it is but after some internet searching I am sure it is some deadly disease that no one has heard of. Too much information is not always a good thing. Well, let's bring this blog to a close. I'm going to see a doctor later this morning. We'll see.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Celebrators Conference

Jan and I are participating in a Celebrators Conference in Sevierville, TN this week. It was a long trip across most of Tennessee, but already it is worth it. Tonight we heard David Jeremiah preach and Charles Billingsly lead in worship. We will enjoy more of both tomorrow morning, then see how many shops we can check out tomorrow afternoon. Wednesday night is a patriotic celebration featuring former President George W. Bush. That should be a exciting. It is great to get away for a few days.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lottery Comes to Arkansas

Last November voters in Arkansas approved the sale of lottery tickets in this state. Last Monday they went on sale for the first time. 2.5 million dollars were spent on lottery tickets in the first two days alone. Like it or not, it is here. My heart is saddened by the fact that our state felt the necessity to go down this road. It will produce more losers than winners and will perpetuate the fantasy of "striking it rich." It violates almost every financial principle found in God's word and is a bad deal for our state.