Monday, July 18, 2011


They are seldom seen, rarely complimented and often ignored, but they are vital to the stability of a building.  I'm thinking about foundations.   The strength and stability of a building is directly related to the integrity of the foundation.  A weak foundation will lead to a weak and dangerous building.

Jesus told a simply story about foundations.  He told of one house built upon a foundation of sand and another built upon a foundation of rock.  All seemed well until the rains fell.  At that point the house built upon the sand came crumbling down.  The house built upon the foundation of rock stood strong, unaffected.  Was there a point?   When Jesus told a story there was always a point. 

These two houses represented two kinds of people.  Some build their lives upon a foundation that is like sand.  It may look good, but when difficulties come their lives crumble.  Others build their lives upon a foundation of rock.  When the difficulties come they are able to stand strong. 

The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge.  Psalm 18:2

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Strategic Partnership


This past week, Jerry and Armentia Adams and myself made a quick trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina to meet with a local pastor named Milton Claussen.  Milton is a bi-vocational pastor of a Baptist church in the heart of a city of 18 million people.  Within a three-mile radious of their church live over 300,000 people, most of whom do not have a personal relationship with Jesus.  This is the only evangelical church in that area.  Their average attendance is fifty.  Reminds me of the words of Jesus . . .

The harvest of plentiful, but the laborers are few.  Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers.

We are praying about a partnership with Pastor Milton and the Iglesia Christiana Batista  in Buenos Aires to work together in strengthening believers and planting a new church in the region.  HDBC will seek to send three teams (4 members each) per year for three years to work with and alongside this church.  The local church is the hope of the world.  God has called HDBC to take the good news around the world.  This partnership will be one way that we can do so.  I am excited to see how God will direct Pastor Milton and his church, HDBC, and missionaries Mark and Melissa Hobson who are overseeing this partnership. 

Milton and Grace Claussen and their daughter.