Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Scouts are in Trouble

The Boy Scouts are in trouble.  Last summer the Boy Scouts of America affirmed its policy of excluding openly gay men as leaders.  In doing so they were upholding a policy that it had affirmed for generations.  A committee of eleven members conducted a two-year study and unanimously concluded that homosexuality was counter to the Scout's oath on morality.  

On January 28, 2013 the Scouts announced their intention to revisit this issue and likely change its policy to allow gays to participate as members and leaders in the Boy Scouts.  Keep in mind that this was just six months after spokesman Deron Smith announced that the decision made last summer to maintain the ban was "absolutely the best policy for the Boy Scouts." 

In a U.S. Supreme Court decision as recently as 2000 it was made clear that the Boy Scouts had a constitutional right to set its own membership standards.  However, the Boy Scout leadership appears to be on the precipice of stepping off of a moral cliff that will doom the Boy Scouts of America.

On Sunday afternoon just before the Super Bowl, President Obama was asked if he believed gays should be allowed membership and leadership positions in the Boy Scouts.  Without hesitation he reply in the affirmative.  He went on to say, "my attitude is that gays and lesbians should have access and opportunities, the same way as everyone else does, in every institution and walk of life.” (Emphasis mine)

Think about that statement for a moment.  In its immediate context he is saying that he does not believe the Boy Scouts of America, a private organization, have the right to determine the guidelines for their own membership.   That is a freedom issue.  But in a broader sense, think about his statement.  He believes gays and lesbians should have equal access and opportunities in "every institution and walk of life."  

That my friends, is a frightening statement, reflecting an equally frightening position.  Every church is an institution.  Every religious college and seminary is an institution.  Every missionary sending agency is an institution.  Let the ramifications of that sink in for a few moments.

The Boy Scouts are in trouble.  This wonderful organization taught me to "be prepared."  It reinforced moral principles that were being taught in my home and church.  It offered practical lessons of life and helped prepare me for manhood. 

I cherish the memories of my scouting experiences.  I remember the night when I was "tapped out" as an Order of the Arrow candidate.  I appreciate the men who modeled manhood and encouraged my progress toward responsible adulthood.  I am grateful for the the principles and convictions that undergirded scouting and added to my own moral development.

The Boy Scouts are in trouble. The cultural war on values is about to claim another victim.  I grieve for generations of young men who will miss what I had. 

1 comment:

  1. As an Eagle Scout since 1954 I am deeply saddened by the BSA in even thinking of changing their position on this. If they change this policy thay are not true to themselves and the founding principles that they helped instill in me (along with many others). No matter how they try to spin that decision it would be another example of weak American leadership that has abonded it's Christian based principles and a continuing contributer to the demise of this once fine country.
