Tim Tebow is a household word among American evangelical Christians. He rose to fame as the quarterback of the Florida Gators and has continued his football fame in the NFL. Not only is Tebow an accomplished football player, though struggling somewhat at the highest level of American Football, the NFL, but has been a very vocal spokesman for evangelical Christianity. His has made clear his support for the pro-life cause in American and has kept his Christian faith front and center in his life and career. Up until now it seemed that he had navigated the difficult combination of fame and the Christian faith pretty well. The pressure may have finally gotten to the young man.
A few days ago he cancelled a speaking engagement scheduled for April 28 at the historic First Baptist Church of Dallas, TX. It's pastor, Dr. Robert Jeffress has been a somewhat controversial figure, at least in the eyes of the culture. He has repeatedly taught the "radical" ideas that homosexual activity is a sin against God, that Mormonism is not part of mainline Christianity and that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. These may seem radical in our post-Christian, secular culture but they are at the heart of what evangelical Christians have always believed and taught. There is nothing new here.
In recent weeks there have been calls for Tebow to cancel his plans to speak in that church because of Jeffress "controversial" teaching and stances on the issues mentioned above. Greg Doyel of CBS Sports wrote the following.
"Tim Tebow is about to make the biggest mistake of his life. Tebow has agreed to speak at a hateful Baptist preacher's church, an evangelical cretin named Robert Jeffress." Doyel went on to write, "I'm ashamed to like Tim Tebow now. More specifically, I don't like Tim Tebow now. I can't. Liking him means liking someone who wouldn't just agree with, but would support, Robert Jeffress. And I despise Robert Jeffress."
So much for tolerance! And Doyel was not the only one calling for Tebow to cancel his plans. Others echoed their belief that Tebow was making the mistake of his life by speaking at such a controversial church. Remember, we are talking about First Baptist Church, Dallas. This is one of the most respected churches in the Southern Baptist Convention and in the evangelical Christian world.
To my surprise and great disappointment Tebow has changed his mind. He has apparently yielded to the increasing pressure from those who believe evangelical Christianity is hateful, intolerant and dangerous. I cannot get into the mind of Tim Tebow or know what he is thinking. However, this does not look good. Even his explanatory tweet left more questions than answers.
"While I was looking forward to sharing a message of hope and Christ's unconditional love with the faithful members of the historic First Baptist Church of Dallas in April, due to new information that has been brought to my attention I have decided to cancel my upcoming appearance. I will continue to use the platform God has blessed me with to bring Faith, Hope and Love to all those needing a brighter day. Thank you for all of your love and support. God Bless!"
The language of that tweet does not make me feel better about his decision. He mentioned "new information" that came to his attention. That raises the question, "what new information?" He certainly was not unaware of Jeffress' teaching. If that was the issue, then it raises even more questions in my mind. Does Tebow really want to distance himself from teaching that homosexuality is wrong and that Jesus is the only way to salvation?
It must be extremely difficult to be in Tebow's position. He is certainly the target not only of a secular culture that wants him to fail, but of forces that are unseen to human eyes. I am disappointed, but not discouraged. As his brother in Christ, I am praying for him to be steadfast and immovable in his faith regardless of the attacks which come.
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