Last week we spent several hours a day playing ultimate Frizbee, basketball, foosball, ping-pong and softball as we developed new friendships with more than thirty teens and young adults. We also had one student who was 12 and one who was 59. In the mornings we taught English and shared about God's amazing love demonstrated in His son, Jesus. On Friday, three young ladies responded to God's love and became believers in Jesus. Many others are considering making the same commitment of faith.
It thrills me to know that the truth about Jesus transcends cultures, ethnic groups and geographic locations. I'm reminded of the phrase in a great old hymn; Jesus saves, Jesus saved.
Hy Johnny! When I read this post I was very happy! I also think that the distance can not prevent that we become friend! :) I remember back to english camp and the other good things what we did. For example the english learn and the AWESOME games: softball, basketball, ping-pong! I will not forget you and the english cam! :D