Monday, August 22, 2011

The Future

It's Monday morning and I am thinking about the future of HDBC.  Two weeks ago we launched The One More Project which involved a change in our Sunday morning schedule which will allow us to expand our small group ministry.  We saw an immediate fifteen percent increase in our small group attendance the first Sunday.  As I am writing this blog, I have not yet received the numbers for the second week.  We learned yesterday that we are now using all of our parking spaces.  It is a good problem to have, but one which we will need to address immediately.  So, I am thinking about the future.

I am thinking about our new Master Planning Team.  They will hold their first meeting this Sunday afternoon.  Their assignment is to develop a master site plan for our facilities and make recommendations on the order in which new buildings and parking should be added.  Much like our recent small group vision team, this team will provide direction for the immediate future.

I am thinking about the possibility of a new children's ministry building.  Our children's ministries are growing at a rapid pace and we need to provide adequate space for these ministries.  I am thinking about an overhaul of our sound system in the worship center.  Our system is old, worn out and failing.  I am excited to know that God will provide to meet this need. 

I am thinking about our new partnership with a Baptist church in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  I am looking forward to meeting the wonderful people of that church and working together with them to reach the people in one of the world's largest cities. 

I am thinking about the people in places where we have ongoing ministries.  Places like Hungary, Malawi, Ivory Coast, France, New Orleans and so many others.

As I am thinking about the future of HDBC, my heart and mind are filled with a sense of anticipation.  God has a plan, and that excites me most of all.

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