It's Monday morning and I am thinking about the future of HDBC. Two weeks ago we launched The One More Project which involved a change in our Sunday morning schedule which will allow us to expand our small group ministry. We saw an immediate fifteen percent increase in our small group attendance the first Sunday. As I am writing this blog, I have not yet received the numbers for the second week. We learned yesterday that we are now using all of our parking spaces. It is a good problem to have, but one which we will need to address immediately. So, I am thinking about the future.
I am thinking about our new Master Planning Team. They will hold their first meeting this Sunday afternoon. Their assignment is to develop a master site plan for our facilities and make recommendations on the order in which new buildings and parking should be added. Much like our recent small group vision team, this team will provide direction for the immediate future.
I am thinking about the possibility of a new children's ministry building. Our children's ministries are growing at a rapid pace and we need to provide adequate space for these ministries. I am thinking about an overhaul of our sound system in the worship center. Our system is old, worn out and failing. I am excited to know that God will provide to meet this need.
I am thinking about our new partnership with a Baptist church in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am looking forward to meeting the wonderful people of that church and working together with them to reach the people in one of the world's largest cities.
I am thinking about the people in places where we have ongoing ministries. Places like Hungary, Malawi, Ivory Coast, France, New Orleans and so many others.
As I am thinking about the future of HDBC, my heart and mind are filled with a sense of anticipation. God has a plan, and that excites me most of all.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
The One More Project
HDBC officially launched The One More Project yesterday. In spite of some technical problems which were the result of a lightning strike that apparently hit our facilities on Friday night, we had a great day. Though we had to operate without some of the technical tools that we normally use, we had a fantastic time as we joined voices and hearts in worship, Bible study, fellowship, ministry, connection and spiritual growth. All three worship celebrations were a blessing. We rejoice in the three new members during the 9:00 a.m. service. We praise the Lord for 270 people in small groups. Now that we have more room and more classes we can continue to reach one more, then one more, then one more . . . until the Lord returns. And as we have said so many times, we do all this for the sake of the Gospel.
It is such a joy to be a part of this wonderful body of believers. There is nothing in the world quite like a local church that seeks to love God, connect to others and serve the world. I will be the first to admit that HDBC is not perfect. We have our share of flaws. However, it is thrilling to see so many who are taking seriously the call to discipleship. May God be glorified through this small band of believers. May He call us to do great and awesome things in this world for His kingdom and His glory. May he stretch us, use us, send us, call us, equip us, and mold us into His image.
The local church is the hope of the world. Thank you Jesus, for this local church.
It is such a joy to be a part of this wonderful body of believers. There is nothing in the world quite like a local church that seeks to love God, connect to others and serve the world. I will be the first to admit that HDBC is not perfect. We have our share of flaws. However, it is thrilling to see so many who are taking seriously the call to discipleship. May God be glorified through this small band of believers. May He call us to do great and awesome things in this world for His kingdom and His glory. May he stretch us, use us, send us, call us, equip us, and mold us into His image.
The local church is the hope of the world. Thank you Jesus, for this local church.
Monday, August 1, 2011
New Friends
I am multi-tasking. Yep, I'm surprised as well. While writing this blog I am chatting with a young man named Adam. He lives in Hungary. I met him last week while working in an English language/sports camp in his city. I'm still a bit amazed at the technology that allows me to chat with someone several thousand miles away, yet it seems like he is in the next room. Right now we are chatting about the whether in our respective cities, about what kind of truck I have, and about a comment on a Facebook picture. It was in Hungarian and he was kind enough to translate it for me. It may seem trivial, but it is the kind of converstation that sustains and even builds friendship.
Last week we spent several hours a day playing ultimate Frizbee, basketball, foosball, ping-pong and softball as we developed new friendships with more than thirty teens and young adults. We also had one student who was 12 and one who was 59. In the mornings we taught English and shared about God's amazing love demonstrated in His son, Jesus. On Friday, three young ladies responded to God's love and became believers in Jesus. Many others are considering making the same commitment of faith.
It thrills me to know that the truth about Jesus transcends cultures, ethnic groups and geographic locations. I'm reminded of the phrase in a great old hymn; Jesus saves, Jesus saved.
It thrills me to know that the truth about Jesus transcends cultures, ethnic groups and geographic locations. I'm reminded of the phrase in a great old hymn; Jesus saves, Jesus saved.
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