I am really enjoying my grandson, Jackson at this stage in his life. He is eleven months old, crawling everywhere and always seems delighted to see me. In fact, each time he sees me you would think he is looking at the Grand Canyon for the first time, a dozen presents under a Christmas Tree, or a shopping cart full of candy. When he sees me he opens his mouth as wide as he can, stiffens his entire body and begins to make all kinds of noises. Of course I interpret all of this as him being so excited that he just cannot contain himself. It's really cool to feel this important. Right now, he really thinks that I am a big deal. He will outgrow that as he matures and comes to realize that, though we have a pretty special relationship and a bond that can never be broken, I am still human, just like him. There will come a time when that mouth will not drop open at the site of his Papa J. There will come a time when he will see me
in a more realistic light. I know that will happen, but for now, I'm basking in the pure joy of watching him light up when I come into his presence.
I wonder if that is anything like what God feels when we come into His presence and respond in awe of Him? I want to be like Jackson, when I enter the presence of God. I want my entire mind, body and soul to respond in awe of Him.
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