Monday, February 28, 2011

The Middle East

Riots, protests and problems in the middle east are dominating the headlines of major news outlets.  Dictatorial and oppressive regimes throughout the region are coming under fire from grassroots protesters who are seeking freedom.  Those seeking freedom in nations like Iran, Libya, Egypt and others in the middle east should have the unwavering support of the United States.  Freedom-fighters who are struggling against incredible odds should know that those of us who already enjoy freedom are pulling for them.  Individuals should be free from oppressive regimes, whether they are led by individual dictators, royal families, or radical religious ideologues.  Oppression is wrong, regardless of the form of the oppressor.

Even as our national leaders are seeking wise responses to the chaos in many of the Arab nations of the middle east, they must never forget that in the midst of that chaos, there is an island of freedom that must be defended, supported and protected.  Israel is one of our most important allies and is certainly our best friend in the region. This tiny nation is under constant threat from enemies on all sides and deserves the clear and bold support of the United States.  We must be steadfast in our support of the people of Israel even as we seek to help others in the area who are striving for freedom. 

May God give wisdom to our leaders as they work for freedom and peace in the middle east.

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