Thursday, February 5, 2009

What Do You See?

What do you see? All over town and throughout the region streets are decorated with piles of limbs from the recent ice storm. But what do you see when you look at those piles? Do you simply see a pile of wood? Do you see rubbish meant for the landfill and a date with a wood chipper? Do you see the negative effects of a harsh winter storm? Do you see the villain that caused many to be without power for days? What do you see?

You can also see some other things in those brush piles. Some see firewood that will keep people warm next winter. Others see trees that will not have to be pruned for many years. That's a good thing. Many see those piles as evidence that the cleanup is complete or almost complete for them. I also see them as evidence of a resilient spirit. They reflect a spirit of dealing with a difficult situation without succumbing to it. Those brush piles point to a focus on the future. Life will return to normal, whatever that is.

One more thing. Rather than focusing on the dead limbs that are in the brush piles look around and notice the living trees throughout the area. They took nature's best shot and kept on standing. And in a few weeks those same trees that now appear so broken and feeble will begin to demonstrate life and vitality through the new growth that comes with spring.

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