Thursday, February 19, 2009

Poofed Again

It happened to me a couple of weeks ago. It was a Wednesday night and I wandered back into the MAC as the kids were wrapping up G-Force and Grapple. I was enjoying the happy faces and all the sights and sounds of a growing kids ministry, when I suddenly became the victim of a frenzied mob. Somone was going to get "poofed" and I heard my name called. With little prompting the chanting spread through the crowd as I was asked to removed my glasses and close my eyes. A moment later my face was covered with flour. I had been poofed! It was worth it to hear the laughter rising from the mob as the cloud of flour spread through my hair, across my face and even into my ears. It was almost as much fun to see the looks on the faces of other people as I made my way back through the church. Clearly some had no idea what "poofing" meant.

Last night Shay was poofed eight times. Wow, that's a head full of flour. Now, that is a good thing. In fact I hope we will see a lot more "poofing" going on in the MAC. Everytime someone is poofed it is a sign that one of our kids, parents or workers has brought a new person to a kids event for the very first time.

Poofing! It's a sign of life and growth. So, let the flour fly!

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