Monday, December 28, 2009

The Great Christmas Hunt 2009

We have a tradition in our family that our kids have to find there gifts on Christmas day. This is something that we started when they were very young. Each year they have a treasure hunt for their gifts. They have to work through clues in order to find their gifts. This year the theme was The Christmas Audition. Rather than simply working through clues to find their gifts, they also had to perform certain things. Here is a summary.

They began by having to work together to come up with a team name, logo and chant. They chose The Hunters. They had to pose for pictures in front of five of the Christmas displays at the church then find gifts hidden in the church. One of was on the roof. They had to compose an original Christmas poem with at least 20 lines and containing at least ten quotes from Christmas movies. This one was really funny.

They had to work two jigsaw puzzles, one with the pieces upside down. Following this they had to go to a hospital and hand out 100 candy canes. They had to collect four ingredients for a homemade pizza from four different homes, then go to a fifth home to make, bake and eat the pizza. They then had to go to another home and play a game of charades with the host family. This was quite entertaining.

They made a "Merry Christmas" sign and had to go to five ATM machines and hold up the sign in front of the security camera. They went to another home and had to list 20 Christmas movies and 25 Christmas songs. At another home they had to give a sales pitch for selling used wrapping paper or Christmas trees. At one home they had to share about their own "favorites" related to Christmas. Additional gifts were hidden outside the mall and in a Jewish cemetery.

All and all it was a great afternoon. It took them six and a half hours to complete the hunt. And even then, Jan and I deleted three additional things that we had planned. They will probably be included in next year's hunt. It's a great tradition for our family. I'm already thinking about next year!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Good Times

We had a great time in Louisiana this past weekend spending time with my family for Christmas. Lots of food, laughter and togetherness. It was a great time. Corban, the HDBC praise band, did a fabulous job last night with their Christmas presentation. The house was packed and there was such a great spirit. I'm now looking forward to our annual Christmas Eve Service this Thursday night at 9 p.m. Once again, we will have a full house as we worship the Savior and remember His birth.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Great Treasure Hunt

I've been working the last few days on the annual Christmas Treasure Hunt for my daughters and sons-in-law. It has morphed into a Christmas day afternoon event and that works well for us. Looks like it should be another good one. We are going to Monroe this weekend to have Christmas with my family. Then we will be home Christmas weekend for our immediate family. New Years weekend we will again travel to Louisiana to have Christmas with Jan's family. It's a lot of traveling but we love the togetherness.

Looking forward to being back in time for Corban Christmas at HDBC this Sunday night. I hope you all will be in worship with us Sunday morning, then back on Sunday night for this special musical program. Also, remember our Christmas Eve Service @ 9:00 p.m. on December 24.


Monday, December 14, 2009

God is So Good

Yesterday was a wonderful day of worship with the Highland Drive family. God is so good to meet with us each time we gather together. Of all the things the He is constantly doing, He cares about us enough to meet with us and reveal Himself to us. He is truly a great God.

Thanks to the HDBC adult choir for a wonderful program of music last night. It was a blessing. Looking forward to a Corban Christmas this coming Sunday night and to our annual Christmas Eve service on December 24. Both of these programs will be special times of worship centered around the Christmas message.

Joy comes home next weekend and will be with us for a couple of weeks. Looking forward to that!


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Celebrations

Join us at Highland Drive Baptist Church this Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. for a Musical Christmas Celebration. Our choir will present the program. The following Sunday night, December 20, we will have A Corban Christmas. Corban is our praise band and they will be presenting the program that night. Finally, on Christmas Eve we will have our annual Christmas Eve Program at 9:00 p.m. I hope you will plan to be at each program. These are great opportunities to invite your family and friends.

I am planning something special for Sunday. Hope to see you there.

Merry Christmas

Monday, December 7, 2009

Wonderful Day

Yesterday was another great day of worship with the Highland Drive family. Jason did an excellent job of opening God's word to us. It was a great challenge to remember all that God has done for us and to let that memory build faith for future challenges. I know I am going to try to be more like the elephant, as Jason has challenged us to be. The Lord added five new members to the family yesterday. We praise Him for this.

Last night our children's choirs presented their Christmas program and it was wonderful. It is such a joy to watch these precious children use and develop their talents for the Lord. Thanks for the directors and all who work with our children. We will be having three more special Christmas presentations in the coming few weeks; December 13, December 20 and December 24. These are great opportunities to invite your friends, co-workers, family members and neighbors. So go ahead, offer the invitation. Give God a chance to use you in the life of another person.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Tree

We have enjoyed a wonderful tradition for many years of going to a Christmas Tree farm to select our tree. When the girls were young we would all pile into our little Toyota truck and make the trip. We were crowded but made some wonderful memories. This year Joy and Jana not only made the trip, but also had the job of cutting down the tree. We laughed until we thought we were going to burst as they took turns laying on their bellies and working on that little tree. After four or five minutes that got the job done. I have posted some video on my Facebook page. So, if you have Facebook, check it out.

Looking forward to the Children's Choir Christmas Program this Sunday night. As always, it would be wonderful. Join us Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. for this program.

Merry Christmas. (Say it loud and often!)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Look

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around Highland Drive Baptist Church. Thanks to everyone who helped setup the outside display and the inside decorations. I just love Christmas. I have been listening to Christmas music for several days. We have also already begun to watch Christmas movies. I guess I am just a sentimentalist. We are still a day away from the beginning of December, but let me wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Thanks for all of the positive comments about the recent sermon series, "Packing Your Child's Suitcase." It was a joy to preach it and a pleasure to receive the positive comments. If you missed one or all of the sermons, you can get them from our website,, or you can listen through podcasting on iTunes.

Monday, November 23, 2009


It is Monday morning and I am still enjoying the blessings from yesterday. We had a wonderful day of worship with the HDBC family. One young adult was saved during small groups. Two other individuals made open professions of faith in Christ and requested baptism. A family of four united with the church. Also I am getting many comments related to the current sermon series. These are exciting times at Highland Drive and we praise God for it.

I am looking forward to a wonderful Thanksgiving week. Joy will be coming home on Tuesday. Jan's brother's family and her mom and dad will be with us Thursday and Friday. On Saturday Jan and I will travel to Starkville to watch the final football game for Mississippi State as they play their in-state rival, Ole Miss. Looks like a fun week.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Computer Work

It is official. We are computer-dependent. Glenda's hard drive decided to die yesterday and it pretty much brought her to a screeching stop. After running all the possibly diagnostics and attempts to fix that bad boy hard drive we gave up and picked up a replacement. In case you are wondering about the size of the new hard drive, it is one terabyte. If you are like me you are now wondering what a terabyte is. Well it is one thousand gigabytes. A gigabyte is one thousand megabytes. A megabyte is one thousand kilobytes. A kilobyte is one thousand bytes. Are you still with me? I remember when we measured hard drives by kilobytes. Now we are in the terabyte era. At least she will be able to store a few pictures and videos.

In case you are wondering what comes next . . . petabyte, exabyte, zettabyte, and yottabyte. Now you are ready for the future!

See you Sunday.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hurting People

There are a lot of hurting people in this world. It breaks my heart when I look around and see good people who truly love the Lord going through extremely difficult experiences. It reminds me of the need to be more sensitive to the people around me and to look for ways to encourage. I want to look beyond the surface and be more discerning of those who need a special touch or and encouraging word. Lord, open my eyes today to see those who are in need of what only You can give through me.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Packing is not one of those things that most of us enjoy doing. But it is necessary when we leave home. All children will eventually leave home in order to enter the adult world. It is the job of every parent to pack their child's suitcase with the essential things that they will need as adults. That is the subject of the current sermon series at HDBC. Join us this Sunday as we continue to look at four key things that every child needs before entering adulthood.

See you Sunday.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Harvest Festival 2009

Harvest Festival 2009 was a huge success. God was so good to bless us with gorgeous weather. HDBC members came out in unbelievable numbers to volunteer their time and energy. Youth, children and adults all pitched in to make it all happen. Special thanks to Trinity Church for allowing us to use their parking lot. Without their generosity we would not be able to do it. And the people came . . . and came . . . and came. We registered close to 700 children. This doubled the number of children from the previous year. We gave away snow cones, hot dogs, cotton candy, popcorn and thousands of pieces of candy. Most of all, we shared the love of Jesus with our community. Thanks, HDBC family, for caring enough to reach out to the community.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quick Thoughts

It's been a tough week. Like many others, I hate being sick. I've been fighting a chest cold, congestion, laryngitis, cough and all the other things that go with it all week long. For someone who likes to talk (that would be me) it is difficult when your doctor says "the best thing you can do is rest your voice." Ouch. So, I have had to try to avoid being around people because it is impossible for me to avoid talking when in the company of other people. So, I'm playing the hermit this week.

Hoping and praying to be much better by the weekend. The big HDBC Harvest Festival is this Saturday. Then I will begin a new sermon series on Sunday. So, I truly appreciate your prayers.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Morning

For many people Monday mornings are difficult. They are coming off of the weekend and are forced into another work-week. Not so for me. It is true that Monday marks the beginning of a new week, but rather than this being a drudgery, it is a pleasure. After twenty-five years of serving as a pastor I still love coming to work everyday. I love the challenge of digging into God's word and finding just the right passage or topic to present on Sunday. I love the challenge of the unknown. I am a planner by nature, but in ministry there are many surprises. Each Monday offers a new opportunity to respond to the surprises in a way that will honor Christ. I love watching how God is working to change lives on a regular basis. One of the great thrills of my life is seeing people grow to maturity in Christ. So, on this Monday morning I am looking forward to seeing the signs of God's work not only in my life but in the lives of those around me.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


The past several days I have been reading through the last book of the Bible, Revelation. I've read it dozens of times over the years and taught it several times. However I am still thrilled as I read it again. The word revelation, speaks of an unveiling. That is what the book is all about. In this great book of the Bible God is pulling back the curtain and giving us a glimpse of the spirit world around us that cannot be seen with human eyes. This morning I read chapter 12, which speaks of a war in which the angel, Michael goes to war with Satan and banishes him from Heaven for all time. The chapter speaks of a great spiritual battle that results in a defeated Satan who then unleashes his fury on the earth. This will take place during a future time known as the Great Tribulation. Revelation is a clear declaration that God is still in charge and will accomplish His perfect will. It is a comforting reminder that believers in Jesus are on the winning side. Praise God! Regardless of how bad things seem to get I know how the story ends!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Great Day

It was a great day with the HDBC family. Not only did we have a wonderful time this morning in both worship celebrations and in small groups, but also enjoyed a delightful time at our church picnic. The weather was great and the fellowship was even better. I was so pleased to see so many people just hanging out together. There was a lot of "connecting" going on today. I was also pleased to see so many guests. Thanks Highland Drivers for taking seriously the practice of investing and inviting. Keep it up!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


In my last blog post I wrote about some pain that I was having and that I would be going to the doctor. So, with the slight possibility that someone read the blog and is curious about the outcome, here is a report. I did go to the doctor and was relieved to learn that there is no kidney stone. I have never had one but have heard all the horror stories of those who have. So, I was praying hard against that. Ultimately, the doctor was unable to determine the cause of the pain, and since it has not returned (at least to the same degree) we are in a "wait and see" mode. I can live with the mystery if the pain stays away.

Looks like a busy weekend. I have the privilege of conducting a wedding this weekend for a young lady whom I have known for seventeen years. I've watched her grow from childhood to adulthood and it is a joy to participate in this important event in her life. I wish God's richest blessings on Allison and Justin. The annual HDBC Fall Picnic is this Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. That is always a great time of fellowship and food. The weather looks great.

As always, I am looking forward to a great time on Sunday morning at HDBC.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Pain

Jan and I had a great time at the Celebrators Conference last week. Then on Saturday Shay and I traveled to Starkville to watch the Bulldogs lose another heartbreaker. They played well enough to win, but once more turned the ball over way too many times. The weather was great and the game was fun. Then Saturday night I began to have some severe pain in my lower back and abdominal area. First thought . . . kidney stone. Ouch. I made it through with some help from some prescription pain medicine. Felt fine Sunday morning and preached twice at HDBC. Then Sunday afternoon the attack returned. I took some more pain medicine and made it through the afternoon. The third wave hit around 10:00 p.m. Once more the pills and I were able to fight off the attack. I'm still not sure what it is but after some internet searching I am sure it is some deadly disease that no one has heard of. Too much information is not always a good thing. Well, let's bring this blog to a close. I'm going to see a doctor later this morning. We'll see.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Celebrators Conference

Jan and I are participating in a Celebrators Conference in Sevierville, TN this week. It was a long trip across most of Tennessee, but already it is worth it. Tonight we heard David Jeremiah preach and Charles Billingsly lead in worship. We will enjoy more of both tomorrow morning, then see how many shops we can check out tomorrow afternoon. Wednesday night is a patriotic celebration featuring former President George W. Bush. That should be a exciting. It is great to get away for a few days.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lottery Comes to Arkansas

Last November voters in Arkansas approved the sale of lottery tickets in this state. Last Monday they went on sale for the first time. 2.5 million dollars were spent on lottery tickets in the first two days alone. Like it or not, it is here. My heart is saddened by the fact that our state felt the necessity to go down this road. It will produce more losers than winners and will perpetuate the fantasy of "striking it rich." It violates almost every financial principle found in God's word and is a bad deal for our state.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Game of Inches

Tough day in Starkville on Saturday. Jan and I attended the Mississippi State - LSU football game and for fifty-eight minutes and thirty seconds enjoyed a tremendous game. The Bulldogs rose to the occasion and played better than most expected. We outplayed the seventh-ranked Tigers from Baton Rouge but gave up a couple of big plays that kept us behind most of the game. During the last two minutes we drove the ball inside the LSU five yard line and actually had three cracks at it from the one yard line. What a disappointment that we could not move the ball a few more inches. Such is the game of football. The good news is that another Saturday is coming and that means another opportunity to get a win. Go Bulldogs!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Love, Connect, Serve

The purpose and ministry of Highland Drive Baptist Church can be condensed to three phrases. Love God, Connect to Others, Serve the World. Those phrases summarize what it means to be a committed, maturing follower of Jesus Christ. That is what we want to be and what we want to lead others to be. At HDBC we primarily demonstrate our love for God through worship. It is our desire to lead people into a love relationship with God that will result in worship. We primarily demonstrate that we are connected to others through small groups. It is our intention to lead people who have become regular worshippers of God to take the next step and get involved in a small group. Through small groups, relationships are developed, lives are enriched and fellowship happens. We serve the world through ministries, missions and evangelism. Our goal is to lead people to this important third step of serving. We were created for good works. God has called each person to give through service.

So, where are you in the process? Do you love God and demonstrate that through worship? Are you connected to others by being involved in a small group? Are you regularly serving in some ministry?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Psalm 69

Boy, the Lord really challenged me this morning. I was reading in Psalms 69 and came across the following words. O God, it is You who knows my folly, and my wrongs are not hidden from you. May those who wait for You not be ashamed through me. O Lord God of hosts; may those who seek You not be dishonored through me, O God of Israel.

What a reminder that my life and actions can draw people toward the Lord or lead them away. What a challenge to guard my words, actions and reactions. People are watching. Therefore I join with Kind David in praying, Lord, may I live in such a way that people will be attracted to You. May my words and actions draw people toward you and not away from You.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sermon Series

We: I and the rest of a group that includes me; you and I; you and I and another or others. Used as a pronoun of the first person plural. Denoting more than one.

The We Church sermon series explores the blessings and benefits of living in a community with other followers of Jesus Christ. We were created to enjoy relationships with other people. The New Testament reveals that the church is made up of a group of individual believers who have joined together to express their love for God through worship.

The church is a brotherhood of individuals who have committed their lives to Christ. It is through the church that believers can most effectively live as Christ calls us to live. In the church it is not “I” but about “We.” There is a togetherness in the church that can be found nowhere else on earth. The "We Church" sermon series will explore just what that togetherness is all about. It starts Sunday morning, September 20 and Highland Drive Baptist Church.

See you on Sunday.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Great Sunday

Last Sunday was a great day at HDBC. I really enjoyed the mission trip testimonies. Each person did an exceptional job of sharing how God worked in the various area. What a blessing to see that God was able to use HDBC on four continents this past year. We have two more teams planning to make trips this year. We have a team planning to work in New Orleans in November and a team making a trip to Ivory Coast in December. Please pray for these teams as they finalize plans.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First SEC Game

Last Saturday we took Hutch to his first SEC college football game. He enjoyed the atmosphere in Starkville and cheered for the Bulldogs as they played Jackson State. He wore his football jersey, his bulldog shorts and even had the Dawg tattoos on his cheeks. He loves to watch them tackle. Who knows, maybe we'll be watching him at Scott field in sixteen or seventeen years. The boy certainly does love to play ball. The other night he was doing trick shots in basketball while singing the theme song from the movie Space Jam. Can you tell that I am enjoying being a Papa J?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I am feeling so blessed. I have a wonderful wife, three beautiful daughters, a grandchild who keeps me in stitches, a couple of great sons-in-law and a second grandchild on the way. I am blessed to serve alongside a great staff at HDBC. The Bullies won last Saturday. Hey, life is good. Actually, life is still good even when the Bullies lose. I am blessed most of all because my joy is not dependent upon my circumstances but upon the one who is Lord of my circumstances. Jesus is the joy of my life. I can say with the song-writer, the longer I serve Him the sweeter He grows. The greatest privilege of my life is knowing Jesus. Do you know Him?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Feeling Better

After some serious chest and sinus congestion I am finally beginning to feel better. Also, the voice is coming back, slowly. It is never a good thing for a preacher to lose his voice. Thanks for all the prayers. I should be fine for Sunday.

Because it is Labor Day weekend, we will have 9:30 a.m. worship only. No small groups and no Sunday night worship. I am looking forward to a great weekend, and especially to worshipping at Highland Drive on Sunday. Since we have only one service, let's pack the house.

Monday, August 31, 2009

No Place Like Home

Our recent Malawi mission team arrived back home yesterday (Sunday) afternoon. It is indeed good to be home. The travel was long but uneventful and our luggage arrived there and back with us. This is no small thing. We praise the Lord for His blessing in this area. We had planned to work in three villages, but actually had opportunities to work in five villages. We shared the good news of Jesus with over 500 people in those villages. Only the Lord knows how many were truly born again but we received outward affirmation from most. Local Malawian believers will be doing follow-up work in the villages and hopefully churches will be established. In addition to our work in the villages, we were able to visit two game parks. It was fun to see so many animals that are indigenous to Africa (elephants, hippos, crocodiles, cape buffalo, all kinds of antelopes, baboons, and so much more). It was a joy to join with so many others who are working to fulfill the Great Commission of taking the good news to the ends of the earth.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Malawi, Africa

We are still in Malawi but have finished our church planting work in the villages. We worked for six days and actually shared Jesus with the people of five different villages. It went really well and we were well-received. The team has done great and we have enjoyed working with John and Claudia Brown. Thursday and Friday we will enjoy time in a game park. Saturday we will begin the journey home. We should be back in Jonesboro on Sunday.

Thanks for all the prayers. I'll share more after we return home.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Africa Trip

I am excited about leaving for Malawi, Africa today. I will be a part of a team of four guys who will be working in three villages to share about Jesus and to help plant churches in each village. Please pray for safety while we travel and while in Malawi. Also ask the Lord to open the hearts and minds of the people whom we meet. We are trusting God to work in a great way and are blessed to be a part of the process. I am not sure when I will be able to blog again, but will report when I return home.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Family Time

It was great to have Joy home for several days last week. She is living in Fayetteville and working in two ministries there. We are so proud of her and wish we could see her more often. It is so much fun when all the girls (Julie, Joy, Jana) are together and share memories of their younger years. It usually brings out a lot of laughter. While Joy was here we decided to have some family pictures made. Jana's sister-in-law took some great pictures for us. I'll try to post some on my Facebook later today. The picture above actually was taken by Joy as we were getting ready to leave the park.
It has been a great week. God has worked in some marvelous ways to touch many lives. I am looking forward to gathering with the HDBC family this Sunday.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Vision (follow-up)

The jury is still out on whether or not I will continue to attempt the mono vision plan for contacts. I love the fact that I can read my iPhone or the label on a medicine bottle while wearing the contacts. I hate the fact that I cannot seem to get the distance vision that I need in one eye. Oh well, it's not a perfect world. I'll sort it out soon.

Praise the Lord for a great day yesterday at HDBC. One man was saved and another person became a new member. God keeps working!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Vision is a word that is used too often, particularly in the context of a church, corporation or organization. However, it is vital. Without it there is no direction and therefore no movement or growth. In a church, corporation or organization this is a death sentence. I am grateful for the vision that HDBC has. Our vision is to lead people to Love God, Connect to Others and Serve the World. It is simple, Biblical and measurable.

However, this afternoon I am thinking about another kind of vision. I visited my eye doctor this morning and he put me in a pair of contacts that split my vision on purpose. One is for distance vision and the other for reading. If I can ever overcome the tendency to close my right eye while reading and my left eye while driving I may decide whether or not this will work for me. It should make for an interesting couple of days!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Great Day

What a great day we had yesterday. There was a great spirit of worship as we gathered to honor the Lord. It was exciting to see Dakotah Martinez and Christi Clayton make decisions to join our church. Dakotah was recently saved while attending CentriKid camp. Christi has recently been attending HDBC as a result of her friendship with Meghan Grimes. I'm thrilled about both of these decisions.

Today is the last day for our summer intern. Kyle has done an exceptional job this summer working with our children and youth. Thanks, Kyle for all you have done in ministering to kids and students each week. Blessings to you in the future.

Getting ready for a Monday morning staff meeting. This will be the first in several weeks because we have all be so busy.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Infinite Impact

I purchased Infinite Impact (a book written by Stu Weber) over eighteen months ago. I pulled it off the shelf over six months ago with the intention of reading it. I placed it on my desk with a few other books as a reminder that I wanted to read it. A few months ago I picked it up and read a few pages without it really grabbing me. Today after moving it around the desk for months I decided to dive in and give it a go. This time it caught my attention and I finished it in a few hours.

The book has reminded me that though I have only a short timeline of life on this earth I have an opportunity to impact generations that will come after. Weber reminded me of the importance of remembering the past, of reflecting upon those key milestones not only in my life but in the lives of those who have impacted my life. He reminded me of the importance of memories. He pointed out that memories are important to God. Think about the number of times you read the word remember in the Bible.

As I read his words it brought to mind the many times in my life when I have sought to connect with my past. A few years ago I took my parents on a trip back into time as we traveled to three cities which we called home so many years ago. We tracked down and found each of the houses in which we lived. We drove by golf courses, ball fields, city parks, town squares, schools and churches. Places where we lived, played, worked and built memories. There was something special about connecting with the past. It is the same reason we pull the old photo albums off the shelf, look through the yearbooks and enjoy home movies. It is one of the reasons Facebook is so popular. For young people it is a way to stay connected. For older folks like me it provides an opportunity to connect with our past by enabling us to find friends from years gone by whom we have not see or talked with in decades. It reminds us of important elements of our timeline.

Weber is right. It is important to review our timeline and to see how our lives have been shaped by it. But it is equally important to remember that we are constantly adding to the timeline. My actions are not only impacting my life but also the lives of those around me; most importantly my family. One day my children and grandchildren will look for markers along the timeline that Jan and I will leave for them. I love the fact that Jan has decorated our house with so many elements of our timeline. But not all of the markers are physical things that we use to decorate. The most important are the non- material things, like memories, convictions, stories and character. I have been challenged to make sure that the markers are clear and positive. I want to make sure that my life contributes to the spiritual development of the generations which are following mine.

So, if you are looking for a good, thought-provoking book let me recommend Infinite Impact, by Stu Weber.

Monday, July 27, 2009

New Members

The past few months have really been exciting. We have seen 17 people baptized since the middle of May. And we have seen a host of people join our church. Two additional couples joined with us yesterday morning. God continues to add to the church and to the Kingdom.

Congratulations to Nick and Frances Allsbrook on the birth of their second child. Just another form of church growth :).

Our kids are on their way to CentriKid this week. Pray for a great week for them and for the adults who have gone with them.

On a personal note, I was so glad for Jan to get home yesterday. She had spent some time with her sister in Alabama. We have logged many miles this summer and still have a few more to go. Before long we will make a trip to Fayetteville to visit Joy. Then I will travel to Malawi with a mission team from our church to help plant churches in three villages.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Enjoying the Cool

Boy this weather has been great. June was more like a normal July with the triple-digit temperatures and July (at least the last 8-10 days) have felt more like June. Thank you Lord for the cooler temps.

It's Thursday, so I am focusing my attention on making sure everything is ready for Sunday. I will be preaching on Jesus as the Good Shepherd this week. The shepherd is such a great picture of who Jesus is and of what He does for us. Invite someone to join us this week! Jonathan Wilson is scheduled to preach on Sunday night. So, please be praying for him as he prepares.

Jan is spending a few days in Gulf Shores, Alabama with her sister. Hopefully they will have good weather and enjoy the beach. Regardless of the weather, I know they will enjoy the shopping.

Have a great day and remember to invest and invite.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Wild West

I should have blogged while on vacation that last few weeks, but just did not have the energy each night. I drove 4500 miles in 12 days. I did upload photos to Facebook most nights, but beyond that, I simply wanted to settle in. Jan and I traveled out west with her mom and dad. We spent most of our time in Arizona and Utah, but also saw some beautiful country in Colorado and New Mexico. The national parks in Utah are incredible. We had a great time, but it is really a joy to be home.

Helping with a funeral this morning, then diving back into my normal Monday routine. Hoping to play some softball, tennis and maybe even some basketball this week.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Family Celebration

Jan and I are looking forward to hosting her family this weekend. They will begin coming in later tonight and will stay through the weekend. Joy will also be able to make it home for the weekend. We always have a great time when they are all in town. There will be a lot of eating, talking and laughing. Jan and I are so blessed with both of our families.

Happy Birthday America!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Ministry Team

It is 8:23 on a Monday morning and I am preparing for a lengthy staff meeting. We will not only handle the normal staff meeting items but will also begin to do some advanced planning on a major Bridge event that will take place in the the Fall. As I was planning the agenda earlier this morning I reflected on the staff ministry team that God has put together for HDBC. It is truly a great team. Each member of the team brings a unique set of gifts, a particular perspective, and creative ideas for ministry. I am so thankful for the privilege to work with each person on our team. So, thanks team, for all you do for the Kingdom.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Sermon Series

This Sunday morning I will begin a 7-part sermon series examining word pictures of Jesus. Join us at 8:30 or 10:45 as we begin this exciting study of the word pictures that Jesus used to describe Himself.

I have been reading David Jeremiah's newest book, What in the World is Going On. It is a great book dealing with prophetic events that will be clear signs that we are living in the last days. Whether or not Jesus will come during our lifetime is not for me to know. But this much I do know. We are a day closer to His coming than we were yesterday. Today . . . tomorrow . . . or a hundred years from now . . . the important point is to be ready. I have no fear because I know I have put my faith in Him. He knows me personally and has forgiven my sins.

Therefore, I join with John in praying even so, come Lord Jesus.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

It was a joy to celebrate Father's Day once again yesterday. Not only was I able to speak with my own father, but was also able to spend time with two of my three daughters. Julie and Jana joined us for some pizza on Sunday night and had a great time. Joy would have been here, but her ministry responsibilities in Fayetteville kept her from being able to come. I am so blessed to have three wonderful girls who have all grown into beautiful adults. One of the great joys of my life is my relationship to these incredibly diverse individuals whom God chose to bless Jan and I with. It is so much fun to reflect on the memories of their childhood. And it brings a great sense of contentment to see the kind of adults they have become. I am blessed that Julie, Joy and Jana call me dad.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


It is Wednesday evening and our youth group has now been at Ridgecrest Conference Center for Centrifuge Camp for about 48 hours. Boy, we have packed a lot in during that time. Our students have played disc golf, soccer, battle ball, basketball, whiffle ball, kick ball and ultimate frisbee. Some have learned to juggle, take pictures, do duct tape art, and many more things. They are all involved in small group Bible studies and are participating in activities that they have chosen because of personal interest.

We begin each morning with The AM Show. This is a high energy get-the-day started rally for all youth. Big Daddy Weave is leading the worship, so it is great. Following The AM Show, students enjoy planned recreation. After rec, they have group Bible studies and then break for lunch. Following lunch they participate in track times that interest them. Each evening we have large group worship, church devotion times, and Night Life. Night Life is a high energy time of fun and competition. After a litte more free time, we are all in our rooms at 11 p.m.

Well, that is a short summary of each day. It is hard to describe the facilities. The camp center is located on the side of a beautiful mountain. The scenery is great. The downside is that every thing is either uphill or downhill from where you are at any given time. All the rec fields are way up the mountain. The students and adults are getting some great exercise just walking from place to place. Chris Leggett and I even climbed to Rattlesnake Summit, a snaky trail that winds three miles up the mountain from the camp. We're still feeling the burn in our legs. But the view was worth it.

Apart from some rain, everything is going great. The students are doing well and God is working. The adult volunteers are wonderful. Please continue to pray that God will speak to hearts and that we will finish strong.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Good Intentions

I had good intentions of blogging every day during Vacation Bible School just to keep everyone up to date. Oh well, it is now Thursday and I have only blogged about Bible School one day. Tuesday has been our high attendance day with 137 kids. Enthusiasm remains incredibly high for workers and kids as we are rapidly approaching the end of the week. God is working in the lives of these precious children and also in the lives of our workers as well. What a blessing it is to impact these sweet children.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Bible School - Day 1

HDBC Vacation Bible School began this morning. We enjoyed having 112 children for our first day. I am especially proud of our workers and leaders, who have done a fabulous job. The kids are having a great time and learning some important truths from God's Word. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

I listened to President Obama's speech before an audience in Egypt this morning. And while I applaud his efforts to bring people and nations together I believe he is somewhat naive. He is holding out the proverbial olive branch to anyone willing to talk. That sounds good. However, history and human nature tell me that there are some who will not only reject the overture, but will also use it to their advantage. Evil people, regimes and philosophies refuse to play (or fight) by any rules. For many of our enemies there is simply no common ground. No coming together. No compromise.

So, what do we do? As believers we must be faithful to pray for our president and those who advise him. We must pray for those who are charged with the responsibility of keeping our nation safe. We must pray for our troops who are in harms way. And ultimately we must trust the sovereign God who has never lost control for one second. He is God! And because He is . . . we can live in peace and security. If my understanding of the Biblical teachings about future events is correct it will get worse before it gets better. But God has written the final chapter and He will make sure that His will is completely and perfectly fulfilled.

So, be strong and of good courage. God is on His throne!

Monday, June 1, 2009

17 Years and Counting

Seventeen years ago today I was enjoying my first official day in the office as pastor of HDBC. Jana was 3, Joy was preparing for kindergarten and Julie was planning to be a student at SAC in the fall. My weight was lighter and my hair was darker. I was driving a 1986 silver Toyota truck. I later sold it after it had over 220,000 miles. We moved into our very first house on Patriot Circle and began to settle in as your new pastor.

Now, seventeen years later two of our three daughters are married and we have a wonderful grandson. As I look at the faces each Sunday morning I am thrilled to see how God has brought so many people into the church and how He has challenged and matured so many who were already here. God has done some great things during these years, but I truly believe the best is yet to come. Jan and I love serving alongside each of you and count it a great privilege to be here. Thanks for being a great church and for loving us like you do.

Lord willing, I'm hoping for another seventeen years (or more), all to His glory.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sports and More

Campers, parents, counselors and workers are all anticipating a great weekend of fun and games. The second annual HDBC Sports and More camp will kick off in about twenty-four hours. I had to miss last year's camp because I was on sabbatical, so I am excited about experiencing all the fun.

I want to especially thank Shay and the children's ministry team, as well as all the workers who will make it happen. It was easy to sense the excitement as the group gathered last night for a few instructions.

On another note, I took the plunge yesterday and purchased an iPhone. It will enable me to stay a little more connected while I am traveling, or simply out of the office. Now, if I can just figure out how to make a phone call!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Awakening 09 officially ended last night but the awakenings have just begun. God worked in a marvelous way in our church this past week and we are so grateful to Him. Eight people were baptized during the week. Each one indicating their absolute commitment to follow Christ and to live for Him. Several others made decisions to trust Christ to forgive their sins and will be baptized in the near future. Some of those who were baptized indicated that they were already saved but had not received Biblical baptism, until this week. Praise the Lord for His great work.

As I shared with our men's prayer group this morning, this is not the time to stop praying. More than ever we need to seek the heart and face of God, to pray for these new believers among us, and to pray for those who do not yet have a personal relationship with the Lord. In the wake of these new commitments of faith, some will face opposition and discouragement. However, with the help of the Holy Spirit, the empowerment from the Word of God, and the fellowship of other believers they will grow strong in their new faith.

To Him be the glory now and forever!

Monday, May 18, 2009


Awesome is a word that is often overused. I'll grant that. However, it is the word that I am choosing to describe the beginning of Awakening 09. In all three worship services on Sunday we saw evidence of God's awesome work. Several people chose to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Their lives have now forever been changed and their eternal destination in Heaven is secured. God is so good.

I am also hearing of marriages that are being strengthened, families coming together, confession over sin, and significant life-changing commitments. I am thrilled with the first day of Awakening 09 and am anxiously waiting to see what the Lord will do tonight!

Don't miss it! Join us at 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bridge 365

Bridge 365 is a phrase you will soon be hearing around HDBC. It represents a developing strategy for reaching our local area. Bridge 365 will seek to engage HDBC members in serving a specific geographic area of our city for one year. We will find creative and effective ways to communicate the love of Jesus to the people in the designated area and therefore build a bridge of love. So, be looking for Bridge 365. It's coming soon.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Joy's Graduation

Jan, Julie, Hutch and I traveled to Fayetteville over the weekend to celebrate Joy's graduation from the University of Arkansas. Thankfully the weather was great and everyone made it to the place they needed to be on time. It was such a joy to hear her name called and to see her walk across that stage.

I'm also thankful that so many of our relatives came to celebrate with us. Thanks to Jim and Lanelle Hutchison (my parents), Jim and Bess Nichols (Jan's parents), Julie and Hutch Bristow (my daughter and grandson), Bob, Nancy and Drew Hutchison (my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew), Randy, Julie, Tavie, Tessie, Trey, Trulie and Torie Nichols (Jans brother, sister-in-law, nieces and nephew).

All nineteen of us then enjoyed a great meal at Red Lobster. In case you are wondering, I was tempted to take care of the bill for all of us . . . but I resisted. It was also good to be able to visit with my mom during Mother's Day weekend. I have not often been able to do this.

Joy will be staying in Fayetteville where she will work in two ministry positions. She will be working at the BCM on the University of Arkansas campus as well as working in the Leadership Training Program at the University Baptist Church. Thanks for continuing to pray for her as she enters this new phase of her life.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Jan and I are looking forward to celebrating graduation this Saturday afternoon in Fayetteville. Our daughter, Joy, will be graduating from the University of Arkansas. We are extremely proud of Joy (as we are of all our daughters) for this achievement.

I well remember the emotions that Jan and I felt as we drove out of the parking lot located at the north end of Razorback Stadium and looked back to see Joy standing there all alone. She had chosen to enter a brave new world and courageously embraced the unknown. It was a great leap of faith for her and for us.

We were extremely grateful for the ministry of the BCM there and for the Christian sorority that Joy was privileged to join. Both of these organizations provided ample opportunities not only for friendships but also for ministry. Now, four years later, as Joy is wrapping up her academic degree, her desire for ministry is even stronger. She will remain in Fayetteville working on staff of the BCM in an intern position and working on staff at University Baptist Church.

Great job Joy. God has some great plans for you. Your mom and I look forward to seeing all the ways that God is going to work in and through your life. We love you.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Prayer and Fasting

During the week of May 11-15 HDBC members and regular attenders are encouraged to pick a day for prayer and fasting as we approach Awakening 09. For many people the thought of fasting might be a little scary. But it does not have to be.

Fasting is simply the voluntary abstinence from food for spiritual purposes. It is the denial of something in the physical realm, in order to achieve something in the spiritual realm. It is asking the body to wait, so that spiritual needs can be met.

I am simply asking each of us to give up a day or at least a meal of eating in order to focus on the special work that God desires to do in our church through Awakening 09. You can still do all the things that you would normally do (work, school, activities, etc). However, in place of eating, you would spend time in prayer for revival.

I hope you will join us for this important spiritual discipline. Read what Bill Bright once wrote about fasting.

I believe the power of fasting as it relates to prayer is the spiritual atomic bomb that our Lord has given us to destroy the strongholds of evil and usher in a great revival and spiritual harvest around the world. Bill Bright

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Revival Praying

There is no power like that of prevailing prayer . . . of Abraham pleading for Sodom, Jacob wrestling in the stillness of the night, Moses standing in the breach, Hannah intoxicated with sorrow, David heartbroken with remorse and grief, Jesus in sweat of blood. Add to this list from the records of the church your personal observation and experience, and always there is the cost of passion unto blood. Such prayer prevails. It turns ordinary mortals into men (and women) of power. It brings power. It brings fire. It brings rain. It brings life. It brings God.

So wrote Samuel Chadwick of the need for revival praying. We are rapidly moving toward Awakening 09. Pray persistently, passionately and purposefully for revival.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Malawi Bound

HDBC has the world on its heart. This morning a team of prayer-walkers left Jonesboro for Malawi, Africa. They will be working with John and Claudia Brown and will be praying for villages that do not have a church. Join me in praying for safety as they are traveling.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Flip Flop

Flip Flop is a phrase often used to describe a politician who radically changes sides on a position. This morning I'm using it to describe what has happened to the moral landscape of the American culture. Things that once were taboo are now considered perfectly acceptable. Things that once were discussed only by those considerd loose and vulgar are now common topics of discussion even among grade school children. According to the court of popular opinion, right has become wrong and wrong has become right.

Need an example? The firestorm over the answer given to a question in the recent Miss USA pageant. Let me quote from

When asked by judge Perez Hilton, an openly gay gossip blogger, whether she believed in gay marriage, Prejean said "We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite. And you know what, I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised."

There are several problems with the firestorm that has erupted over her answer. First, she was asked what she "believed" about an issue. And she declared her "belief." One of the founding principles of freedom in this nation is freedom of belief and of the right to express that belief. She expressed her belief, her opinion. Nothing more.

Second, she went out of her way to indicate that she was not casting judgment or condemnation on anyone whose belief was different from hers. She openly stated her belief that others had a right to a different perspective.

Third, she was immediately attacked by the left-wing establishment.

Now, here is where the flip flop is seen. Only a few decades ago her answer not only would not have made headlines, but would have been the expected answer. Her current belief was held by a majority of Americans and reflected the moral atmosphere of our culture. If she had followed the liberal and now culturally accepted position on this question no one would have noticed.

This is just another example of how far we have drifted away from the high road of moral purity and convictions in this nation. I do not know Miss Prejean and will never have an opportunity to personally commend her for sticking to her convictions. But all of us who continue to hold to Biblical and traditional standard of marriage owe her a debt of gratitude.

Monday, April 20, 2009


GPS is the title for our Spring Children's Choir Program scheduled for this coming Sunday night. It should be another "classic" program. It seems like only a few days ago that I was watching my girls participate in those programs. Now they are all grown up and those days are enjoyed only in the database of my memories. Those were wonderful days and I am so glad that my girls were able to be a part of this ministry. I truly appreciate Sharon, Stacy, Glenda, Dana, Theresa and others who give of their time to teach our children the joy of using music and drama to serve the Lord. Join us Sunday night for GPS!

Just a hint . . . you might want to get here a little early. The good seats fill up fast.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Truck for Sale

I am selling my truck. So if you are interested, or know of someone who is let me know. It is a 1995 Dodge Dakota; 105,000 miles; four cylinder; standard; great a/c; new tires; new battery; Sony am/fm cd player; bed liner. I was asking $1,895 but have reduced the price due to some possible work needed on the motor. I am now asking $1,200. You can call me at 926-4124.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

Praise the Lord for a great day this past Easter. We had 450 people join us for worship during our two morning worship celebrations. Thanks to our greeters and ushers for doing a great job. Also special thanks to all who were involved in worship leadership. The Lord was honored and praised through our worship. To Him be the glory, always!

Once again, I want to express my gratitude to the Lord for allowing me to serve as pastor of HDBC. I love this church and appreciate the opportunity to serve alongside so many wonderful people. And there is room for more. Join me this week as we invest and invite.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Men of Prayer

This morning (as I do each Thursday morning) at 6:30 I met with a group of prayer warriors. These men faithfully join me every Thursday morning to do one thing: PRAY. We don't provide coffee and donuts; we don't have a devotional thought; we don't do Bible Study. We simply pray.

We pray for those who are sick and in need of healing. We pray for those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. We pray for our nation and its leaders. We pray for our church and for the Kingdom of God. We worship our God and Savior. We offer thankful hearts for his bountiful blessings. We ask, seek, listen and learn. And in the process we grow to know God more intimately.

I am beginning to learn that knowing God should eclipse every other pursuit in my life. I'm not there yet, but I am moving in that direction. J. I. Packer offers four results that come from knowing God.

Those who know God have great energy for God.
Those who know God have great thoughts of God.
Those who know God show great boldness for God.
Those who know God have great contentment in God.

Oh, how I long for those things to be true of me.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Knowing God

This morning I started reading J. I. Packer's classic Knowing God. After only 24 pages I'm hooked. I am thrilled at the thought of growing deeper in my knowledge of God and of growing stronger in my relationship with Him.

There is something exceedingly improving to the mind in a contemplation of the Divinity. It is a subject so vast, that all our thoughts are lost in its immensity; so deep, that our pride is drowned in its infinity. (p. 17)

What I do not know of God certainly exceeds what I know of God and I want to reduce that gap. I want to grow in my thirst for God that I might grow in my love for and obedience to God. Reading Knowing God will help in that pursuit. It should be an illuminating study.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Awakening 09

Awakening 09 will happen at HDBC May 17-20, 2009. Please mark those dates on your calendar. Bob Pitman will be here to share with us during those four days. This is a very important event for our church, so please plan now to be here for those days. I'll be sharing more details in the next few weeks.

Preparation for Easter

Easter is less than two weeks away and we have already begun to prepare for a great day. We've added additional chairs to our worship center and have updated our overflow room with new video equipment to enable us to use that room as needed. So, we're praying for a great day.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chasing the Leaks

This morning Stacy Murry, Shay Caldwell and I went hunting. We were hunting for the source of leaks in or around our church's steeple. Since none of us are in the roofing business we can't promise that the problem is fixed, but we are hopeful. We should know soon since it is suppose to rain again tonight or tomorrow.

Yes, that is me on the ladder propped against the steeple. It kind of reminded me of the time I set up the ladder in the back of my truck. Thankfully, this went better. Honestly, being on the ladder was not the worst of it. The hardest part for me was climbing into the heart of the steeple to check for obvious leaks. I don't like spiders and snakes . . . so that little boxed in area was not very inviting. I know, I know . . . there was no danger of snakes. But the spiders had found a home and it was into that home that I crawled. I think they were so shocked to see someone come into their space for the first time in nineteen years that they decided not to venture too close.

If the foyer stays dry the next time it rains it will have been worth it. If the foyer continues to leak, at least Stacy, Shay and I will know we gave it our best effort. By the way guys, thanks for hanging onto that ladder!


Monday, March 23, 2009

Air Bud

Last night we introduced Hutch to Air Bud. Honestly, I had never seen the movie but knew it was about a dog that played basketball. Hey, knowing Hutch loves basketball and dogs I thought this would be good. So, I recorded the movie and last night provided us with the right opportunity. Hutch crawled up into my lap and quickly became mesmerized by the dog that could make shots.

It is the classic family movie that ultimately has a "feel-good" finish after making you cry your eyes out. One scene actually made me think of Old Yeller. Ouch. But don't worry . . . Air Bud did not die.

It got even more interesting when Hutch hopped out of my lap and tried to get Jay Jay (our dog) to become Air Bud. It was pretty funny because Jay Jay was not having any part of it. Clearly she had slept through the movie.

Is there some spiritual application that I can now make to Air Bud? Probably . . . but its Monday, so it's not going to happen.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Lasting Legacy

Last Thursday Jan, Jana, David and I traveled to Duck Hill, MS where I participated in the funeral service for Curtis Riley. He was a dear friend and brother in Christ who was gloriously welcomed into Heaven last week. After ninety years on the planet, the Lord sweetly whispered his name and offered to bring him home.

Though I have certainly not been in regular contact with him during the past several years I'll miss him. Just knowing that he will not be sitting in his favorite recliner on Riley hill makes me a little sad. He left an enduring legacy not only in his family but also in his community. Though he was short in stature, he cast a long shadow that continues to impact lives. He was a faithful servant of Christ and his influence will continue for many generations, probably until Jesus comes. He was a true gentlemen who loved his wife, modeled Christian virtues and worked humbly with his hands.

Thanks Curtis, for your friendship, encouragement and wisdom. Thanks for making my family a part of your own. Thanks for helping me find joy in the simple things of life. I look forward to seeing you again.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sons and Dads

As I watched Stephen and Hutch wrestling and playing on the floor the other night I was reminded of the importance of dads bonding with their sons. Boys can best learn what it means to be men by spending time with their dads. Jan and I are blessed to have a great dad for our grandson, Hutch. The pictures above tell the story.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Thanks to everyone for making this past weekend's GIC such a great success. We had a wonderful time together and our vision for the world was truly intensified. Please continue to pray for the missionaries who were with us and to consider how the Lord wants you to be involved in His mission.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Global Impact Celebration

For many months a team of highly dedicated volunteers at HDBC have been planning and preparing to lead our church through a weekend Global Impact Celebration. That weekend is now here. Beginning Friday evening and ending on Sunday night HDBC will celebrate God’s passion for the world and the part that we play in that passion.

Missionaries from around the world and across town will be with us for this significant three-day event. It will involve large group gatherings, small group activities and one-on-one conversations. We will celebrate past victories and consider future opportunities. We will get to know some missionaries who are on the front lines of mission work. I am really looking forward to our time together.

If you are part of the HDBC family I hope you have already decided to participate. If not, make that decision now. Come on . . . take a chance! We promise not to waste your time or to leave you bored. It just might change your life.

Our theme is Raiders of a Lost World. Just as Indiana Jones was on a quest to find the Ark of the Covenant, we are on a quest to find people around the world who have not yet had an opportunity to know that God loves them and that Jesus died for them. For us it is more than a quest, it truly is a passion.

So, I look forward to seeing all HDBC members and attenders this Friday night.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sore Muscles

I love Fridays. Several years ago I developed the habit of taking off work on Fridays. That was a good decision. Normally by the time I leave the office on Thursdays I am completely prepared for Sunday. That enables me to be totally relaxed on Fridays. I normally sleep-in, then when I do get up, I hit the ground running. I may do a little house work (Jan loves that) then if the weather permits I work outside. The past few Fridays I have cut and hauled wood. I have also split some firewood the old fashioned way. It is therapeutic for me to get out and do some physical work and just let the mind relax.

This past Friday was a good one. The weather was perfect and I stayed at it most of the day. I moved seven wheelbarrow loads of firewood from one side of my backyard to the other. I finished cutting off what was left of a large limb still laying on my fence. Two more wheelbarrow loads. Why can't these trees and limbs fall close to where you need them? I then split wood for about and hour. That will get the heart rate up. I wrapped it up by spending several hours at Jana and David's cutting and hauling wood. They have a large oak and a very large pecan tree that both took a big hit during the recent ice storm. We've made some progress but there is still much to be done there.

I've said all that to say, "I am still feeling it today." The muscles are sore, but it is a good feeling. I am just grateful to be able to do it. And next year I will enjoy burning all of this wood in our new fireplace which we will soon install. Maybe, just maybe, we will get it in time to use it this year.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Poofed Again

It happened to me a couple of weeks ago. It was a Wednesday night and I wandered back into the MAC as the kids were wrapping up G-Force and Grapple. I was enjoying the happy faces and all the sights and sounds of a growing kids ministry, when I suddenly became the victim of a frenzied mob. Somone was going to get "poofed" and I heard my name called. With little prompting the chanting spread through the crowd as I was asked to removed my glasses and close my eyes. A moment later my face was covered with flour. I had been poofed! It was worth it to hear the laughter rising from the mob as the cloud of flour spread through my hair, across my face and even into my ears. It was almost as much fun to see the looks on the faces of other people as I made my way back through the church. Clearly some had no idea what "poofing" meant.

Last night Shay was poofed eight times. Wow, that's a head full of flour. Now, that is a good thing. In fact I hope we will see a lot more "poofing" going on in the MAC. Everytime someone is poofed it is a sign that one of our kids, parents or workers has brought a new person to a kids event for the very first time.

Poofing! It's a sign of life and growth. So, let the flour fly!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Growing Family

Our family is growing! No, this is not an announcement about a new grandbaby in the Hutchison family. It is an announcement about growth in the HDBC family. I'm excited about the five individuals who chose to become a part of the HDBC church family this past Sunday. Four ladies and one teenage student joined with us yesterday, but they also bring with them eight children and two additional students who are already becoming actively involved in our student and kid's ministries.

Our worship attendance numbers continue to grow. We will soon be adding more chairs to the worship center to handle the growth. After that we will probably be adding a third worship celebration. At this point we have only begun to pray and think through the details (when, where, how, who, etc), so please be praying for our staff leadership as we consider the options and seek the Lord's will.

Love God, Connect to Others, Serve the World. This is why we exist. This is our mission. Everything that we do as a church is to lead people through those steps to spiritual maturity. It is so much fun to watch people moving through those steps as they grow in their love for God.

So, among all the other things that will compete for your attention this week, remember to Love, Connect and Serve.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I am so thankful for the many volunteers at HDBC. We could not function without them. We have a great staff, but the key to effectively serving the world is the mobilization of our volunteers. I cannot begin to name all of the things that are done in and through our church by volunteers. But let me share a few. HDBC volunteers greet, teach, share, cook, serve, assist, fix, hug, smile, encourage, play instruments, sing, turn knobs and push buttons, sweep floors, repair drywall, unclog drains, collect offerings, open doors, hand out programs, count money, visit the sick, invest and invite, give, change diapers, change light bulbs and on and on and on.

We are called to Love God, Connect to Others and Serve the World.

Thanks HDBC, for serving so faithfully!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What Do You See?

What do you see? All over town and throughout the region streets are decorated with piles of limbs from the recent ice storm. But what do you see when you look at those piles? Do you simply see a pile of wood? Do you see rubbish meant for the landfill and a date with a wood chipper? Do you see the negative effects of a harsh winter storm? Do you see the villain that caused many to be without power for days? What do you see?

You can also see some other things in those brush piles. Some see firewood that will keep people warm next winter. Others see trees that will not have to be pruned for many years. That's a good thing. Many see those piles as evidence that the cleanup is complete or almost complete for them. I also see them as evidence of a resilient spirit. They reflect a spirit of dealing with a difficult situation without succumbing to it. Those brush piles point to a focus on the future. Life will return to normal, whatever that is.

One more thing. Rather than focusing on the dead limbs that are in the brush piles look around and notice the living trees throughout the area. They took nature's best shot and kept on standing. And in a few weeks those same trees that now appear so broken and feeble will begin to demonstrate life and vitality through the new growth that comes with spring.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Imagine my surprise Sunday night when I openned my front window blinds and found my front yard being decorated with toilet paper. It was priceless to see the look on Bobby's face when those blinds were opened and our eyes met. My only regret is that I did not sneak out the back door and onto the roof. That would have been a fun surprise for them. It's great to be loved. Thanks guys for caring enough to think of us :). Life is too short not to have a little fun.