Monday, November 1, 2010

Voting: A Privilege and Responsibility

Voting is an American privilege and responsibility. I still remember the excitement that I felt the very first time that I entered a voting booth to cast a ballot. Even then, so many years ago, I knew that it was an incredible privilege that few people in the world enjoy. I was given the opportunity to participate in forming the government of the greatest nation on the planet. My vote could make a difference. I still feel that way.

As I write this blog, this year's election is one day away. However, I will not be going to a voting site tomorrow. I took advantage of early voting last week and recorded my ballot. I followed a series of principles that have guided my voting choices for a number of years. I would like to share a few of them with you.

1. I vote pro-life. I do not knowingly vote for individuals who support abortion.
2. I vote for those who will stand for moral purity and traditional family values.
3. I vote for those who believe in limited government.
4. I vote for those who take the constitution seriously.
5. I vote for those who are fiscally conservative.
6. I vote for those who believe in a strong defense.
7. I vote for those who defend individual freedom.

I want to encourage you to vote . . . responsibly.

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