Monday, November 22, 2010


Tis the season to be thankful. Well, actually, every season is the season to be thankful. Jan and I are so thankful for all that the Lord has done for us. We have a wonderful marriage, three precious daughters, a couple of great sons-in-law, three super grandchildren (one still in the womb), great parents and extended families, a loving and supportive church, a warm home, good health, and so much more. We are blessed to know that we have a home in Heaven ready for us when our physical death comes. Thank you Lord, for these and so much more.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 107:1

Monday, November 15, 2010

Two in One . . .

I put together a random playlist of music to listen to this morning, as I often do at the office. I included a variety of Christian artists, and mixed in a sprinkling of Christmas songs to begin getting in the mood. Just now a song came on that takes me back thirty-three years.

It was recorded in the mid-seventies by The Pat Terry Group. The name of the song is "That's the Way," and it was a part of our wedding ceremony in December 1977. As Jan and I were walking out of the worship center, Jan's cousin, Dennis, shared that song.

It is amazing how music influences our thoughts and memories. Unfortunately, there are only a few details that I remember about our wedding. I remember seeing Jan walk down the aisle . . . the most beautiful bride in the world. I remember the overwhelming feeling that came over me as I realized the awesome thing that was about to take place. And I remember walking back down that same aisle, arm in arm, listening to the first few lines of that song. Those words capture the essence of our marriage.

With this ring I thee wed and I give to you my life
Mine is yours and yours is mine
And we can live that way forever

With this kiss we will seal that we now are man and wife
Two in one, one in two
That's the way it's got to be

With this love we can live, but we can't keep it to ourselves
He is mine, he is yours
And we can spend our lives in telling

I give my heart, I give my soul, I give you all my worldly goods
Two in one, one in two
That's the way it's got to be

I will cling to you, you will cling to me
And in the shadow of the cross we'll live on bended knee

With this prayer I commit that we both become as one
He in us and we in him
Saying vows to one another
Hold them fast in your heart till the day we see the Son
Two in one, one in two
That's the way it's got to be

Two in one, one in two
That's the way it's got to be

Monday, November 8, 2010

Psalm 139

My expression of Psalm 139.

Lord, you have examined every part of me and know me fully. You know everything I do, everywhere I go. You comprehend my thoughts. There is nothing within me that is hidden from you. Before I speak a word, you know it. You are all around me. There is no place that I can go and escape your presence. For this I am thankful. You take me by the hand, leading, guiding and protecting.

You shaped me even while I was in my mother's womb. You formed me into the person that I am. I am your personal masterpiece. I am your creation. You know the content of every day that I have lived and every day that I will live.

Your thoughts are precious to me. They are more than I can comprehend. Though it is not needed, I give you permission to search out my heart, mind and life. Show me the sins that I have not confessed. Reveal to me the parts of me that are not completely yielded to you. Direct my steps for I am yours.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Voting: A Privilege and Responsibility

Voting is an American privilege and responsibility. I still remember the excitement that I felt the very first time that I entered a voting booth to cast a ballot. Even then, so many years ago, I knew that it was an incredible privilege that few people in the world enjoy. I was given the opportunity to participate in forming the government of the greatest nation on the planet. My vote could make a difference. I still feel that way.

As I write this blog, this year's election is one day away. However, I will not be going to a voting site tomorrow. I took advantage of early voting last week and recorded my ballot. I followed a series of principles that have guided my voting choices for a number of years. I would like to share a few of them with you.

1. I vote pro-life. I do not knowingly vote for individuals who support abortion.
2. I vote for those who will stand for moral purity and traditional family values.
3. I vote for those who believe in limited government.
4. I vote for those who take the constitution seriously.
5. I vote for those who are fiscally conservative.
6. I vote for those who believe in a strong defense.
7. I vote for those who defend individual freedom.

I want to encourage you to vote . . . responsibly.