Looking forward to this Sunday. We will celebrate the baptism of four new believers in Jesus at the beginning of our 10:45 service. I will be starting a brand new series called The Warrior. We have special gifts for all guests during both Sunday morning services. It is going to be a great day. Join us at 8:30 or 10:45 at Highland Drive Baptist.
As I am writing this it is early Thursday afternoon. I'm thinking about what it must have been like for Jesus on Thursday of that final week. Passover celebration with His disciples. Washing some feet. Agony in the Garden. Betrayal. Arrest. Abuse. Humiliation. It is more than I can fathom and so much more than I deserve. He did this for me. My eternal salvation is secured because of the suffering that He endured so many years ago.
Thank you Jesus.
I also wonder what the agony was like for Jesus in those final days. Good words, brother.