Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 Begins

Now that the holidays are over it is time to get back into some kind of weekly routine. At least that is what I hoped for. Those hopes were interrupted by a serious stomach bug that decided to manifest itself around 4:30 Monday morning. I spent the day in the bed and the bathroom. Well, that is enough detail for that day. Tuesday morning I woke up feeling much better and ready to head to work. It was 10 degrees when I stepped into my truck to head for work. I turn the key only to hear silence. It would not start. I assumed I had a weak battery so I decided to jump it off using Joy's car. I pulled her car into the carport next to my truck and popped the hood to connect the two batteries. Only the hood on her car would not pop open. After several attempts and trips to two mechanics we were able to get it open. I then returned home to try to boost my truck from her battery. No go. It still would not crank. At that point I assumed it was a weak battery and decided to purchase a new one. I went to the closest Wal-mart only to find out that they were out of that particular battery. I traveled to the other Wal-mart and picked up a battery, took it home and installed it. With a little luck, I would make it to the office in time for our Tuesday morning staff meeting. It was not to be. The truck still would not crank. I tried all the tricks that I knew, including putting the gear shift into neutral. Still no luck. By this time Joy was up and preparing to return to Fayetteville. She was kind enough to take me to work in time for my staff meeting. After lunch I tried again but it still would not crank. Finally, I shifted the gear shift up and down several times and it finally cranked. Praise the Lord. It was a simple fix. Not sure what happened, but I'll take it.

So, stomach bug on Monday and car trouble on Tuesday. Can't wait for Wednesday! One thing is sure . . . God knows about Wednesday and is prepared to see me through it. He is my rock and my fortress.

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