Thursday, November 13, 2008

Signs of Life

Looking for signs of life at HDBC? One good place to start would be to hang out in the MAC and Cafe Mac on Wednesday nights. Boy those areas are hopping. Kids, students and adults are enjoying the freedom offered in those spaces. Basketballs are being shot, footballs are flying across the gym and the sounds of joy and happiness are everywhere.

Now, this not the only place to find signs of life at HDBC. They can also be seen on Sunday mornings and evenings throughout the building as well as at other times. The good news is that the heartbeat of the church is strong and the future looks great.

Please remember to pray for your staff as we continue to look for ways to handle all the growth that always comes to a healthy, alive church.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to let you know that we had a great time last night! One big family!
