Monday, November 19, 2007

Home Sweet Home

"Home Sweet Home." It's a phrase we used to say whenever our family would get home after a trip. It was a signal that we were back in our comfort zone . . . a place where each of us could truly be ourselves. A place where memories are made and stored, where the furnishings are familiar, and the bed feels just right. "Home Sweet Home" what a sweet phrase.

I caught myself saying that as we arrived back in the U.S. after several days in the West African country of Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast). Though God blessed us in more ways than we could share, though we were there because of a definite call from God, and though the Koyaka and Koro people welcomed us joyfully, it was just not home.

So, once more I gratefully whisper the words . . . Home Sweet Home.

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