"The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is one of Aesop's Fables. Most of us learned it as a child. It is about a shepherd boy who repeatedly tricked villagers into thinking that a wolf was attacking his sheep. Later, when a wolf actually was attacking the sheep and the shepherd called for help, none of the villagers believed him. The story is intended to reinforce truthfulness as a virtue by pointing out one of the negative consequences of being untruthful.
Over the years, believers have repeatedly been warned about supposedly new FCC rulings which would do all kinds of things which Christians would certainly want to oppose. In response, many believers have written letters, made phone calls, sent emails, etc., in response to the supposed new ruling. In most cases the information was inaccurate. Someone cried wolf, when no wolf was present. Now, to the point.
The FCC has announced that it is considering altering its current broadcast decency standards which ban explicit profanity and nudity. This could open the door for network television and local radio stations to air profanity such as the f-word, and to allow what it deems to be non-sexual nudity.
The FCC is currently seeking and accepting comments. These may be submitted until the end of April. I have submitted my comments and it took less than two minutes. Would you consider doing the same? Go to http://www.fcc.gov/ and click the Take Action button at the top. Select Comment.
Select Most Active Proceedings. Under Proceeding, click 13-86. Complete the form and leave your comment.
This time the wolf has really come. This time those who desire for the standards of decency to be maintained should act. This time we must make sure the sheep (our children) are protected. Now you know. What will you do?