Kids are important to our church. Earlier this month we hosted over seventy children in our annual sports and more camp. The kids learned that the real power in life does not come from themselves, but from the one who created them. They enjoyed sports & craft classes, swimming, music, worship, games, and much more. It took dozens of volunteers to make it happen.
This week we will host over one hundred children for Vacation Bible School. Once again, they will enjoy crafts, games, music, worship, Bible study, snacks and much more. Once again, we have dozens of adults and teens who are volunteering their time to make it happen and to make it happen well.
We have made a significant investment of time, personnel and money in these two activities. Quality events are costly, in all three areas. Why do we do it? Simply put . . .
It's a race to the heart of a child, and the first one there wins. Our children face a multi-faceted and often confusing array of world views which are competing for their allegiance. Secularism, humanism, hedonism, along with the major world religions all compete for the hearts of our children. None can satisfy. None can fulfill. None can answer the basic questions of life which all people wrestle with. Only in Jesus Christ, can a child (or adult) find the real meaning of life, real peace, and real assurance for the future.
That's why we do it! Kids Matter! It is, indeed, a race to the heart of a child. At HDBC, we take that challenge seriously.