Retailers sell chocolate rabbits, marshmallow chicks, and egg-shaped jelly beans. Jewelers feature cross necklaces, bracelets and rings. Kids anticipate gifts, hunt for hidden eggs, and dream of the Easter Bunny. New clothes are purchased and worn especially for that day. More people attend church on Easter than any other day of the year. In short, it is an internationally recognized holiday, celebrated by millions of people.
So, what’s the big deal about Easter? Why all the fuss?
To answer that question, we must look to the origin. Easter finds its source in the resurrection of a man named Jesus. He claimed to be the Son of God, the way to forgiveness for sins and ultimately the only way to Heaven. According to the Bible, these claims were verified and authenticated through one incredible, historical act, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
Upon his death by crucifixion, the men who had committed their lives to Jesus were discouraged, confused and uncertain. In the hours preceding and following his death, they denied knowing him, they abandoned him, and considered forsaking their new faith. And who could blame them. From all appearances it was over. He was dead. Historical evidence verifies this fact beyond a doubt. That should have be the end of the story.
But the story did not end. Within days that group of discouraged and confused men were transformed into a courageous band of God-followers who risked health and life for their faith. In fact many were later tortured and killed for their faith in Jesus. What made the difference? One word. Resurrection! The reality that Jesus was alive transformed their lives. The risen, living Christ gave them hope, purpose and meaning in life. The resurrection validated his claims to being the Son of God and to his ability to forgive their sins. The resurrection made all the difference in their lives.
What’s the big deal about Easter? Why all the fuss?
Easter celebrates the most significant event in human history; the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Because of the resurrection, eternal life is available.
Because of the resurrection, there is more than this life.
Because of the resurrection, hope lives.
I invite you to celebrate Easter with me this year at Highland Drive Baptist Church.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Interesting Times
We were at Fazoli's last night after church checking to see if the bread sticks would be as good as they were in the old Fazoli's. In the middle of our meal I looked across the table to see my three-year old grandson working an iPhone with no trouble. You've got to be kidding me! My first thought was, "these iPhones are so user friendly. Even a three-year old can use it." But then I came to my senses. This is not just any ordinary three-year old. This is MY grandson. He's brilliant. Case solved.
By the way, the bread sticks are just as good as I remembered. It's worth a trip there just for them.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Which is More Important?
The news reverberating throughout the nation yesterday revolved around the president's health care reform bill that was ultimately approved by congress. This has dominated the news for the past several months. It has been one of the most divisive issues that our nation has faced in many years. When the president signs it into law it will radically change the health care system in this nation. Those who see it as a positive thing are ecstatic. Others are extremely concerned about the added financial burdens that will be added to businesses and individuals, as well as the expansion of our national debt. Whether you are for it or against it, you have to admit that it is a big deal.
The same day that all of this was coming to a vote, something else was happening that received no publicity. There were no tea parties, emails, phone calls, or yard signs related to it. It will never make the evening news or be discussed by political analysts. However, it has far more implications than the health care reform bill. While the nation watched the congress with rapt attention to see who would ultimately win that showdown, two individuals bowed their heads and gave their lives to Jesus Christ. A little before noon a man indicated that he was ready to become a follower of Jesus and by faith trusted Christ for his salvation. Later in the afternoon a young boy did the same thing. Both have been adopted into God's family, have had their sins forgiven, and were wonderfully born again.
Now, I ask you . . . which was more important? Sweeping health care reform which will impact lives in this life or the salvation of two individuals whose lives have been changed for eternity?
The same day that all of this was coming to a vote, something else was happening that received no publicity. There were no tea parties, emails, phone calls, or yard signs related to it. It will never make the evening news or be discussed by political analysts. However, it has far more implications than the health care reform bill. While the nation watched the congress with rapt attention to see who would ultimately win that showdown, two individuals bowed their heads and gave their lives to Jesus Christ. A little before noon a man indicated that he was ready to become a follower of Jesus and by faith trusted Christ for his salvation. Later in the afternoon a young boy did the same thing. Both have been adopted into God's family, have had their sins forgiven, and were wonderfully born again.
Now, I ask you . . . which was more important? Sweeping health care reform which will impact lives in this life or the salvation of two individuals whose lives have been changed for eternity?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Great Kids

We have some great kids here at HDBC. In fact, all our kids are great. I was so proud of a special group last night. Our official Bible drillers completed their church drill last night and they all passed with flying colors. I am so proud of those kids, and their parents. Bible drill is a plan that leads kids to learn the books of the Bible, how to find key passages based on topics, and to memorize key verses. It's hard work, but very beneficial. Great job kids, parents and workers.
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Ups and Downs
Yesterday was one of those up and down days. But let me be quick to point out the the "ups" were far greater than the "downs." The Bullies lost a heart-breaker to the big blue machine (Kentucky Wildcats). We were up by three with under 6 seconds to play. UK hit a free throw to cut it to 2, then missed the second free throw on purpose. They secured the rebound took a shot and missed, but were able to throw up a shot at the buzzer. The replay indicated that the ball left the shooter's hand with one tenth of a second left in regulation. That shot sent the game into overtime. UK ultimately won it by a point. MSU failed to get the win in regulation by a tenth of a second and lost in overtime by a point. Can't get much closer than that. So much for the "down" part of yesterday.
Now, the "ups." I had a great day of worship, fellowship and discipleship with the Highland Drive church family. The worship music was inspiring, the fellowship was sweet and the Word of God was timely. Jan and I closed out the day by enjoying a party with our small group. Lot's of laughter, food and fun. On another note, it was great to see some former Highland Drivers in the service. Joe and Stacy Brown were back for a short visit, as was Kyle Keenum.
Now, the "ups." I had a great day of worship, fellowship and discipleship with the Highland Drive church family. The worship music was inspiring, the fellowship was sweet and the Word of God was timely. Jan and I closed out the day by enjoying a party with our small group. Lot's of laughter, food and fun. On another note, it was great to see some former Highland Drivers in the service. Joe and Stacy Brown were back for a short visit, as was Kyle Keenum.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I was first introduced to a churrascaria several years ago when I made my first of three trips to Brazil. A churrascaria is a Brazilian restaurant that caters to meat lovers. It is an all-you-can-eat experience where the waiters continuously bring various kinds of grilled meat on skewers. They cut it off the skewer at your table and it falls onto your plate. Maybe this is why I made my second and third trip to Brazil. Not really, but it was a nice perk.
This morning the HDBC staff will be getting a taste of Brazil when we travel to Memphis to eat at Texas de Brazil, a Brazilian churrascaria right here in the mid-south. It should be a fun day. My mouth is watering already. It will also be great just to hang out with our staff team and relax together.
This morning the HDBC staff will be getting a taste of Brazil when we travel to Memphis to eat at Texas de Brazil, a Brazilian churrascaria right here in the mid-south. It should be a fun day. My mouth is watering already. It will also be great just to hang out with our staff team and relax together.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Office Swap
This morning, Shay is moving his office to the front hall, next to Jason's office. We're making the change so that we will only have to heat and cool that portion of the building during weekdays. It should save some expense on our utility bills. I want to thank Shay for being willing to make the swap. I also want to thank Glenda Cheatham and her Sunshine class ladies for being willing to change classrooms. They are an example to us all about the need to be flexible and to think of what is best for the church. So, THANKS ladies.
Monday, March 1, 2010
First Sermon

It was exciting for Brandon Barbine to be able to preach his first sermon last Sunday night. He used the opportunity to share the story of his young life. It is a story of how God took a lot of negatives and has made something very positive out of them. I am so excited about what God has in store for this young man. Thanks to everyone who came out to hear him. We had a full house. You can hear his testimony at Go to "Who We Are," then "Sermons."
I am also thrilled that on the same day that Brandon preached his first sermon, we had another young man commit his life to full-time Christian ministry. After praying and seeking the Lord for several months, Matt Pierce publicly announced that God is calling him into the ministry. Both of these young men are at the same age that I was when the Lord called me. So, I'm excited for them both.
Praise God for all that He is doing. He alone is worthy to be praised.
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