I purchased Infinite Impact (a book written by Stu Weber) over eighteen months ago. I pulled it off the shelf over six months ago with the intention of reading it. I placed it on my desk with a few other books as a reminder that I wanted to read it. A few months ago I picked it up and read a few pages without it really grabbing me. Today after moving it around the desk for months I decided to dive in and give it a go. This time it caught my attention and I finished it in a few hours.
The book has reminded me that though I have only a short timeline of life on this earth I have an opportunity to impact generations that will come after. Weber reminded me of the importance of remembering the past, of reflecting upon those key milestones not only in my life but in the lives of those who have impacted my life. He reminded me of the importance of memories. He pointed out that memories are important to God. Think about the number of times you read the word remember in the Bible.
As I read his words it brought to mind the many times in my life when I have sought to connect with my past. A few years ago I took my parents on a trip back into time as we traveled to three cities which we called home so many years ago. We tracked down and found each of the houses in which we lived. We drove by golf courses, ball fields, city parks, town squares, schools and churches. Places where we lived, played, worked and built memories. There was something special about connecting with the past. It is the same reason we pull the old photo albums off the shelf, look through the yearbooks and enjoy home movies. It is one of the reasons Facebook is so popular. For young people it is a way to stay connected. For older folks like me it provides an opportunity to connect with our past by enabling us to find friends from years gone by whom we have not see or talked with in decades. It reminds us of important elements of our timeline.
Weber is right. It is important to review our timeline and to see how our lives have been shaped by it. But it is equally important to remember that we are constantly adding to the timeline. My actions are not only impacting my life but also the lives of those around me; most importantly my family. One day my children and grandchildren will look for markers along the timeline that Jan and I will leave for them. I love the fact that Jan has decorated our house with so many elements of our timeline. But not all of the markers are physical things that we use to decorate. The most important are the non- material things, like memories, convictions, stories and character. I have been challenged to make sure that the markers are clear and positive. I want to make sure that my life contributes to the spiritual development of the generations which are following mine.
So, if you are looking for a good, thought-provoking book let me recommend Infinite Impact, by Stu Weber.