As hostilities continue between Israel Defense Forces and the terrorists group Hamas, all Christians are encourage to pray daily for that situation. I've been asked a few times recently what I thought about Israel's invasion of Gaza. I was in Israel in 1995-96, and again last year and have an understanding of just how small the country is and how volatile that area is. Neither time did we go to Gaza which is under the Palestinian Authority.
Following the death of Yasser Arafat the radical terrorist group, Hamas, gained control over the Palestinian Authority and has regularly encouraged and sponsored terrorists attacks on innocent Israeli citizens. They target non-military areas and often kill and wound women and children. They have no regard for innocent human life.
For several months they have fired rockets and mortars into Israel. They are relentless in their desire for the destruction of Israel as a nation and for the death of the Jewish people. Israel has every right to defend itself and is justified in seeking and destroying those who have attacked, harassed and repeatedly killed its citizens. Imagine if Mexico or Canada routinely fired rockets, mortars or missiles into the United States. Imagine if their official policy statement was that the United States had no right to exist and that their objective was to destroy us as a nation. Imagine if they sent suicide bombers into our cities We would not sit by and allow that to continue.
Having said that, I also want to say that my heart goes out to the Palestinian people. All Palestinians are not terrorists. Most sincerely want peace but are caught in the crossfire of hatred and prejudice. Pray for them and especially for believers who live in Israel and in Gaza.
I hope Israel will be successful in dismantling the network of terrorism in Gaza, thus providing some years of relative peace in the immediate future. I hope other nations in the area will not become involved in the conflict. Lebanon has recently begun to fire missiles into northern Israel. This is not a good sign. I hope the United States will stand firmly behind Israel and will support her right to defend herself.
War is never good, but is sometimes necessary to stop evil from triumphing.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.