Don't be afraid to ask God the hard questions. Trust me, He knows the answers. I thought about this after one of our precious little ones approached me last Sunday to ask a great question. "How do we know there is a God?"
It was a pleasure to get down onto his level and explain that we know there is a God because the Bible tells us so. To my surprise he was ready for that answer. "But how do we know that the Bible is real?" At that point I knew this young boy was really probing for some confirmation.
I talked with him for a few minutes about the importance of faith in things that we cannot see. I also explained that God gives us an awareness of Himself in our hearts. That was about as deep as he was ready to go at that time. I'm not sure that I have permanently satisfied his curiosity but I am confident that he will ask again if the need arises.
Don't be afraid to ask. I certainly don't have all the answers. There are times when I have to shrug my shoulders and admit that I just do not know. However, God never has to do that. He truly knows. So, when you really need the answer, go to the source.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Harvest Festival Success
A Big Thanks to everyone who helped make this year's Harvest Festival such a huge success. We had around 700 people in attendance. It was a real joy to simply watch the children and families enjoy the day. HDBC built another bridge to the community on Saturday. To all who are in the HDBC family, your giving and serving made it possible. So again, thanks. You are a great family.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Single-Issue Voting
Single-issue voting is often associated with those of us who are adamantly pro-life. There are some who simply believe the protection of human life, all human life, is the most important issue of our day. I believe it is our responsibility and duty to protect the most vulnerable and innocent among us, the unborn. Therefore it is the most important factor in determining how I vote.
You may ask, "Are you not concerned about the economy?" The answer is "yes, I'm concerned about it." However my concern for the economy takes a backseat to the greater issue of the defense of unborn babies who are being sacrificed on the altar of convenience, selfishness, and ignorance across this land.
Those who are quick to criticise pro-life supporters for "single-issue voting" might want to acknowledge that many are equally quick to become "single-issue voters" when it comes to the economy.
When given the opportunity to vote for life, this is the choice I will make. Will you consider this option? Will you pray about it?
You may ask, "Are you not concerned about the economy?" The answer is "yes, I'm concerned about it." However my concern for the economy takes a backseat to the greater issue of the defense of unborn babies who are being sacrificed on the altar of convenience, selfishness, and ignorance across this land.
Those who are quick to criticise pro-life supporters for "single-issue voting" might want to acknowledge that many are equally quick to become "single-issue voters" when it comes to the economy.
When given the opportunity to vote for life, this is the choice I will make. Will you consider this option? Will you pray about it?
Monday, October 20, 2008
What Drives Me to Vote
Values and convictions have been and will continue to be a key component in my voting decisions. This election year as in years past I will make voting decisions based on how closely the candidates' values and convictions match my own. Though I am seldom able to find a candidate whose values mirror mine completely, one is usually much closer than another.
I vote for pro-life candidates. The unborn among us deserve to be protected. Their right to life must be preserved. I vote for Biblical values and morality. I believe this nation is more likely to be blessed by God when its leaders seek His wisdom and recognize His standard of rightness. I believe the Biblical (traditional) view of marriage as the union of a man and a woman should be protected and defended.
Please join me in praying for God's will to be done in our upcoming election. If you are interested in a comparison of the two major political party platforms on a variety of issues important to believers check out the following link.
I vote for pro-life candidates. The unborn among us deserve to be protected. Their right to life must be preserved. I vote for Biblical values and morality. I believe this nation is more likely to be blessed by God when its leaders seek His wisdom and recognize His standard of rightness. I believe the Biblical (traditional) view of marriage as the union of a man and a woman should be protected and defended.
Please join me in praying for God's will to be done in our upcoming election. If you are interested in a comparison of the two major political party platforms on a variety of issues important to believers check out the following link.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Narrow the Focus

At HDBC we have determined to resist the tendency to spread ourselves so thin that we are not effective. Sometimes less is more. We have decided that it is best to do fewer things really well than to do many things not-so-well. We know that we cannot embrace every new ministry that comes along. We have precious but limited resources (volunteers, space and funds) and must use them in the most effective ways. In a phrase, we are committed to a narrow focus.
Love God, Connect to others, Serve the World.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Kids Night
Last night was so much fun watching the kids enjoying themselves in worship. Thanks to our entire children's ministry team and volunteers for keeping our children's ministries glowing and growing. Thanks also to all those in our church who have given and sacrificed to help these children in ways that no one sees or knows.
Parents, remember that Wednesday nights are big nights for our kids. Bro. Shay and his volunteers lead the kids in exciting Bible study and spiritual development each week. Make sure that your kids don't miss out on this important time.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Think Steps, Not Programs

On Sunday night, September 7 I shared five principles that the Lord revealed to me while on Sabbatical this summer. Each of this principles has become a key element in our movement toward being a more effective church. Principle number two contains four simple words; Think Steps, Not Programs.
Steps reflect movement through a process. Our strategy is to conduct ministries that will move people through a three-step process that demonstrates movement toward maturing discipleship.
We want to lead non-Christians to take step one: Loving God.
Then we want to lead them to take step two: Connecting to Others
Then we want to lead them to take step three: Serving the World
Each step in the process requires a greater level of commitment and will demonstrate a maturing discipleship. This is exactly the way God has always worked. Through processes, steps.
The Creation – Six sequential steps. Creation was a process.
The Apostles – He called them, taught them, then sent them out for ministry
The Gospel – Death, Burial, Resurrection
If you study the Bible you will find that God often works through processes; steps in accomplishing his will.
Sunday morning worship is the primary entry point to lead people into the process. It will encourage people to love God and make a commitment to Him.
Small Groups are the second step and primary ministry to help people connect to other believers. Our goal is to have a great small group ministry which will encourage New Testament types of relationships.
Serving the World includes three levels of service and commitment. We will offer a variety of ways for people to get involved in service and will encourage those in small groups to take the next step and get involved in service.
So . . . where are you in the process? What step or steps have you taken? Grab a hand and join us in this wonderful journey of loving God, connecting to others and serving the world.
See you this Sunday.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Connecting with other believers is an important step in the journey toward spiritual maturity. I witnessed some important connecting this past Sunday when we enjoyed our picnic together at Craighead Forest Park. What a great day. Thanks to all who made it happen.
I want to encourage you to take advantage of every possible opportunity you have to connect with other believers this week. And along the way do some investing in those who have not yet come to have a personal relationship with God. In doing so you just might be connecting with a future believer. Have a great week!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Clarify the Mission

A few weeks ago I shared with our church the principles that have now become the foundation of all that we do at HDBC. In the next few blogs I want to review those five principles. The first important principle is that we need to have a clear mission.
For years we have sought to lead people to become committed maturing followers of Jesus Christ. However, we had trouble measuring how well we were doing that. How do we know if we are leading people to become committed maturing followers of Jesus Christ? What does that person look like?
After a careful review of the New Testament we have determined that it can be boiled down to three simple phrases. Committed maturing followers of Jesus Christ . . .
LOVE God, CONNECT to Others and SERVE the World.
That’s it. That is the best description that I can come up with . And I believe it captures the essence of a maturing discipleship. So, after careful thought, diligent prayer, and a lot of conversation we have determined that this is the best way to state our mission.
To lead people to love God, connect to others and serve the world.
So, what is Highland Drive Baptist Church all about? Loving God, Connecting to Others, Serving the World. That’s it. In every area of ministry those are the three things we now focus on.
So, let me pose a question for each reader. Where are you in the process? Are you loving God? Connecting to Others? Serving the World? If you are lacking in any of those areas, let me encourage you to take the next step.
For years we have sought to lead people to become committed maturing followers of Jesus Christ. However, we had trouble measuring how well we were doing that. How do we know if we are leading people to become committed maturing followers of Jesus Christ? What does that person look like?
After a careful review of the New Testament we have determined that it can be boiled down to three simple phrases. Committed maturing followers of Jesus Christ . . .
LOVE God, CONNECT to Others and SERVE the World.
That’s it. That is the best description that I can come up with . And I believe it captures the essence of a maturing discipleship. So, after careful thought, diligent prayer, and a lot of conversation we have determined that this is the best way to state our mission.
To lead people to love God, connect to others and serve the world.
So, what is Highland Drive Baptist Church all about? Loving God, Connecting to Others, Serving the World. That’s it. In every area of ministry those are the three things we now focus on.
So, let me pose a question for each reader. Where are you in the process? Are you loving God? Connecting to Others? Serving the World? If you are lacking in any of those areas, let me encourage you to take the next step.
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